Announcement: Demonspawn Banishing Temple Operational

It has yet to cease being relevant, so the song goes on, verse by verse.

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Your proposed strategy for dealing with him still isn’t viable outside us all getting TCMC or True Slave implants, though.

Mr. Nauplius, ignored, just doubles and triples down until he becomes impossible to ignore-- or, rather, to keep people ignoring … and that many more people die because of it. And that’s if he really is what you think he is.

Your song is full of bad advice. But you keep singing.


You seem to have skipped reading the ‘song’ entirely, Aria. This is not about how you all keep giving the clown attention, which is exactly what he wants. (Although that remains utter folly, as all you do is give him reasons to keep at it.) This is about the pearl clutching and faux outrage against the clown and the weeping over fifty thousand… when each and every one of you is likely guilty of worse, or loyal to those who makes this clown a candle next to a star.

Where’s the outrage and fury at the horrors that has propped up those you are loyal to? Where’s the pearl clutching and endless sisyphean “no you’re the heretic!” when men and women dies at the tune of several orders of magnitude greater numbers as Providence throws Keepstars out to be destroyed?

There’s something horribly wrong with this forum’s denizens’ sense of scale and their hypocrisy when it comes to what they condemn… and what they support.


Aria I think there is more to this. It’s about the drama that he is writing. It’s aabout the 50,000 on the station but also those who will eventually muster and destroy the station and do his bidding to sacrifice.

Despite what he says… he as taken on the role of playing God and finding new ways to get us to act out our parts.

We need to find a way to break the cycle.


One eats what’s on one’s plate, Miz.

Mr. Nauplius, for good or ill, is now definitely within my own small sphere. And in terms of that sphere, 50k is actually kind of a lot.


doo bee do dah doo dah be dah de doo.

So. Mizhara.

Remind us all why you’re not in Ushra’Khan or similar, fighting for the freedom of the enslaved Minmatar ?


As a person who lives, now, not too far from shadows, I have no means of getting anything done about this “demonspawn” nor can I affiliate with any group able to do anything about it. But being, not too far from shadows, I can make remarks about it in a public forum such as this and see if my little ripples have any effect at all in the large body of water.

And thus, I will say that, should this baby really be a creation of evil. Why not destroy it? Or, perhaps it is being labelled evil by an evil perpetrator. With so little knowledge on this situation I cannot say neither. However, I will say that it is often the case that people, even good people, in their quest for ever more power will allow their progeny to be heavily empowered so that they can feed off of the power of their children. This happens frequently. Usually with terrible results. And in some cases, the quest for power may have attracted some rather, unsavory folk, such as demons, to empower such a progeny, likely unknowingly to such a decent citizen as I observe Aspenstar to be. And then the question remains? What to do with such a progeny whom is now but a menace to a good person’s life which could in turn affect, 50k to start with and perhaps more. Nay, power is a dangerous thing, and the quest for ever more of it can lead to disaster.

Ushra’Khan, the ones who are currently defending a blooder sympathizer from facing the consequences of his choices? The Pendulum War participants, who freed exactly zero during the year I spent with them? I am not with them, because I don’t defend blooder sympathizer and instead do things that actually do affect my people.

You’re boring and trite as usual. Might want to try and update your snide so it’s not outdated by a year and a half.


A point a clarification here. The blooder sympathizer who married a “blooder” who routinely helps other Matari agencies free their slaves and is currently helping to raise money to help those who been tortured by “the Butcher.”

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And it will continue to be. That’s why his last bit of drama was over Achura. It’s why the next one will also target something you, specifically, care about.

He’s getting the response he wants from you. You, specifically you, Aria, are his intended audience and the toy he’s enjoying make jump around.

None of which even begins to address Miz’s point: What do you do in space when you’re not fighting Drifters and you’re not running to do Napkins’ bidding in one form or another? Do you just mine, and run off when pirates show up? Do you just to PI?

Or do you kill people?

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Lately, I’ve been a little preoccupied with duties stationside, Arrendis, so, actually, I haven’t been doing a lot.

I’m a combat pilot, though. There’s kind of no way around that. I’m not a carrier ratter or anything, but I’ve definitely killed plenty. Less, recently.

Here’s a question, though: why does it matter?

Maybe my soul’s already too stained with blood for saving a few tends of thousands to make a lot of difference, but, does that mean I should just shrug and let them all die? I’ve explained already why your and Miz’s prescription, ignoring “the clown,” won’t work. I don’t have a real solution, either, but, until someone comes up with one, I think I’d rather be the one that tries to help those I can, than the one who doesn’t.

My hands aren’t clean. But I’d rather be someone compromised and mottled, shot through with contradiction and inconsistency.

Being consistently a killer isn’t a thing I much aspire to.

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Including such activities as:


The point isn’t ‘don’t try to help’, it’s ‘why are you only helping these victims?’.

If you don’t like the idea of people who kill innocents… why support those who do? Why support those whose livelihood are built on the backs of the suffering and deaths of billions of innocents?

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In no particular order and far from limited to:

Setting up and maintaining Citadels for treatment centers, emergency response during Kyonoke event, freed slave transport and logistics, etc etc.

Obtaining bio-engineering data for use in Insorum component research, in order to potentially - albeit unlikely - find a way to manufacture it safely and render Vitoxin useless.

More than once doing my part in making sure Providence isn’t getting too big for their shorts, including keeping their Keepstar from being erected.

Maintaining and funding the Accorded Neutral Grounds, the only one of its kind outside of Matar itself.

Would you like more?

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The demonspawn has not yet been presented at the Demonspawn Banishing Temple for full-immersion exorcism in thrice-consecrated slave blood. Instead, SFRIM has shown its disregard for my divine warning by making a war declaration.

SFRIM members! Search your feelings! You know there is something wrong with Lady Aspenstar’s husband! You know how strange and unnatural was this recent birth! Do not join any attack upon the Demonspawn Banishing Citadel, for it is your own corporation that I am trying to save from the spell of demons!

Oh there’s a war going on now. This is getting quite exciting I shall enjoy this. Perhaps i may even send a cheerleader to clap

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Arrendis, when you look in a mirror do you see a good person?

I don’t. I’m not sure what I see, exactly, but, it isn’t that. Actually, I haven’t met a lot of people I’d consider “good,” and “good” without also being pretty naive is particularly hard to come by.

I don’t think good people usually get into this business, and, usually, I think, if they do, they … change, power being a corrupting force and all that.

As a class, we’ve got a lot of power.

So far, there’s one person in this world that I know for sure I want to make sure is safe and prosperous … and maybe protected, along with her family, so that what I am isn’t something she has to grow and develop in her own soul.

Miz doesn’t think there are good Amarr, and, seemingly, the same goes for you. You’d better hope you’re wrong; you’re going to need good people on the other side, whatever happens. For my own part … I see one good and admirable person, the only one I know, I think, and to whom I owe more than I can repay. Maybe I’ve just kind of imprinted like a lost duckling-- the Praefecta was one of the first people I really grew at all close to, early on. Even if that’s true, though, it doesn’t change my feelings or make them less real.

I’m not in this for the Amarr, but for an Amarr, one I’m proud to serve. Inevitably, that binds me to the Empire; so be it.

The Empire needs good people. Every empire does.

That’s not me. But I can try and make sure it keeps one that it has.

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Disingenuous, at best.

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It’s an argument you’ve made pretty directly to me, Miz. That you don’t make friends with bad slave-taking people who are responsible for horrible things happening to your own-- and neither should I?

Did I misunderstand?

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