Annual Account and Ganker

Though, it is hilarious when a marauding gang gets bubbled and BFGed. But, yeah, that’s null for you.

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yep the infamous ‘you’re’ against ‘your’…

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I like Null, I like the danger. I don’t mind my ship getting blown up but blow it up in a FIGHT, not a slaughter.

I’ll just use Yaw from now on.

My mobile wont change that.

mobiles are wont to spelling correctly the word you don’t want.


What i struggle with is that people that ‘prefer danger’ really exists and that the same people mock others that don’t like risks.

This is the reason why they should be seperated on different servers with no connection whatsoever,they simply don’t fit into the same game :slight_smile:

The concept of an insult like ‘you are a coward’ spitten out in a COMPUTER GAME is totally alien to me :stuck_out_tongue:

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Learn how to use it.
I have three languages on my phone. I still make sure to spell correctly.
It’s common courtesy for the reader.

There is much to be won in Eve, in my opinion. My reasoning is as follows:

The sandbox will not define winning for you, it is an exercise for the user. The freedom to decide victory conditions for yourself comes with the obligatory responsibility to exercise that freedom before you can meet those conditions.

If another player decides that blowing me up is a part of their victory conditions, then chances are that’s going to be problematic for me, but nonetheless I feel obligated to defend their right to make that decision for themselves. That’s the nature of the sandbox. People making choices, some of which I agree with, and some of which I don’t.

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CCP hasn’t used such wording for years now.

Balos is probably more correct about the future of EVE that many of you think. We’ve been heading in that direction for a long time now, actually. Case in point, here’s a CCP response to a recent negative review for the game on Steam. Note the section highlighted in red:

There’s not much choice when your ship is tied down while you’re being slaughtered.

So no bungy-jumping, skydiving or riding motorbikes for you?

No…and this leads to the main question…

Why should i? :slight_smile:

It’s fun!

They still have the New Player FAQ available from their CDN:

So they still publish it officially, although they don’t really describe things that way in marketing.

Jumping out of a plane,fom a bridge or a high building is no fun.

It’s silly as long as the concept of gravity exist :slight_smile:

I don’t like the concept of crashing to the ground at high speeds :slight_smile:

I don’t think segregation is the answer.
I think the gankers should suffer more consequences than what they’re subjected to presently.

If someone wants to be a pirate in EVE it’s fine, but they should be treated like pirates and not afforded the benefits that other capsuleers, who are not pirates, enjoy.

And yet… Triglavians on gates, in belts. Could be that CCP is de-emphasising player on player combat in hi while still leaving in means to wreck the careless.

They can “pull levers” to control those things, but they can’t pull levers to control player behavior.

My guess is that they really do want to take the edge off of this game, because it’s not really in line with the contemporary SJW game-playing demographic.

But the point of the OP and all discussions like this are that the helpless arent that by choice, they are born unable to take evasive action and should be protected from those with free will.

And putting them in a server of their own, as you would do with orphans and those who cant function on their own in a facility is exactly what needs done.

They are, on the whole, treated like pirates in high sec in having to run from faction police. What more would you suggest?