Annual Account and Ganker

I feel like doing some elite PvP and dunking some miners

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There is nothing like a ‘pvp sandbox’.

There is either a pvp game OR a sandbox.

Sandbox and pvp game are mutally excluded.

As i said,you cannot ‘do whatever you want’ in a pvp game,this is restricted by player that want to pvp you…

Eve has PvE in it, but having PvE and PvP in the same game doesn’t imply they’re separate or play by different rules. Both PvE and PvP rules apply to all players at all times.

That one’s based on my other post about him not realizing he’s a fascist.
Classic carebear tactic.

The right to freedom of expression ends where it intends to limit the freedom of others.

Might makes Right.

Every man has the right to defend himself …
… but not the right to demand others to stop attacking him.

Men who’s use of their right to freedom of speech requires protection are like tiny dogs barking loudly …
… while hiding behind the bigger dog, who’s protecting him.

The tiny dog is fully aware of the fact that if the bigger dog wasn’t there …
… he wouldn’t be able to abuse his freedom of speech like he does …
… because he’d be getting smacked for his ■■■■■■■■. Hard.

That’s you.
Not really a man.

Just a wimp.


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If you mine without a permit and without following the Code then you clearly want to PvP me

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He calls himself a ‘big dog’ while in reality being a pekinese :slight_smile:

Incorrect perception of relativity :slight_smile:

And simply no empathy for other playstyles.

Yes, it is piracy and allowed under the rules we play by. Fortunately I’ve had some success (and a little luck) in thwarting the pirates’ plans. (And some failures in low and null).

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Only that ganking is not “battle”. Restraining a ship to blow it up is not battle, it’s slaughter and nothing to be proud of.

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Hey that’s my line! :smiley:

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CCP’s wording is “full-time PVP in a sandbox environment”.

PVE is just as important as PVP, however its almost completely avoidable, while PVP isn’t if you undock.

Everyone can be subject to PVP, perfectly within the rules, while taking their own path in the sandbox, even if not really wanting to PVP.

Marketing and reality are mutally excluded too :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah no worries.

You’re ship is perfectly safe.


All they want is bragging rights.
A bunch of braggarts who who ambush defenseless capsuleers.

I’m not here to glorify the playstyle. You’re free to make your own assessments in that regard and I won’t argue. All I am saying is that the activity is within the bounds of the game’s established rules and that a player making all other players play a well established game by a new set of arbitrary rules so they can win is probably not a good idea.

‘defenseless’ is a completely self-inflicted condition.




Have some coffee! :coffee::coffee::coffee:

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You know what?

In fact i have no problem with that as long as they would do it on a pvp server and not globally.

On their own server the can have their ‘right’ to cannibalize each other over and over again.

But seen globally this concept just scares more customers away than it attracts.

The problem is that pvp and its users have been powerdered their asses for such a long time and to such perverted degree that they,at one point,began to think its their birthright.

And here we are stucked with people that think ‘pvp(and ONLy pvp) is king’ and all other playstyles are just pvp content.

This is not their fault.

This is PURELY ccp’s fault.

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There’s nothing to win in EVE, besides bragging rights. It’s supposed to be a sandbox.
To attack a player in a sandbox by restraining him for the kill is just shameful.

Yes,it is. I suspect they are amused when the oblivious prey get preyed upon. I just hope they are just as amused when the cunning prey leaves the predator looking foolish.

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It is but only in part.
It’s also up to the players to behave honorably. There’s nothing honorable to tie someone down and execute him.