Yeah I guess that’s a bad habit of mine.
In case you didn’t know, this guy has been here for years.
This is his third … fourth? … incarnation?
He’s always easily spottable and every incarnation he’s getting more and more aggressive.
Yeah I guess that’s a bad habit of mine.
In case you didn’t know, this guy has been here for years.
This is his third … fourth? … incarnation?
He’s always easily spottable and every incarnation he’s getting more and more aggressive.
This is the 7th incarnation afaik; it’s like the 7 dwarfs, but without the funny hats.
Oh wow! Is there a list somewhere??
Ari Kolapa, Hysan Tyrosur, Balos Tritapo, Traco Miritu, Duro Peripar, Darlo Kubika and the current incarnation; there may be more.
I totally missed the first and second one.
Ha! When you listed the names I searched for the first one “Ari Kolapa”. This is an amusing post he made 2.5 years ago: CCP killed highsec PvP - #373 by Ari_Kolapa
This is no PVP game…never was…always was 3/4 PVE…
In time CCP sadly follows them…but those times are over and CCP lately comes to their senses…
How many more years will your prophecy take to come true Trakoro Tolada?
Guess who’s salty now?
It’s actually 100% true.
I killed an AFK-mining 800 million ISK Hulk a few days ago. I’ve been checking, and that person is gone - they haven’t signed in again since then, as the locator still reports them in the station where they logged off. I made sure to let them know exactly whom to thank for the gank, too.
Interesting thing, though: apparently the GF/BF/spouse/maybe parent of the gankee sat down on their PC a few minutes after the gank, and thanked me in local for doing it because “he was being an idiot.” So even their lovers think that high-sec carebears are chumps.
Actually, I wonder how that goes, in real life? You’re a woman, and your guy is describing this video game about space pirates and warriors to you, and you excitedly ask what he does, and he tells you “oh, I mine the asteroids, at least when the griefers aren’t harassing me.” And then you just dry up completely. Must be fun and exciting being with a nice, passive, domesticated man like that!
We can’t all be complete nancys.
There is no such thing as “unwanted PVP.” By playing this game, a person consents to PVP.
Being unable to do anything about something is not “consent”, it’s duress.
Anyone who chooses to play a PVP game consents to PVP.
EVE is not ONLY a PvP game. It’s also a PvE game. Both have value in EVE.
And to ambush a player in the dead of space, restraining him so he’s a sitting duck is not “battle”, it’s an act of Piracy and a cowardly one at that.
Sol is just biting around if i show up because he knows he cannot win and he is not used to THIS concept
His vendetta against people like me is pathological,he just cannot stop and on the funny side he is EXACTLY what he claims me to be without even knowing it.
Maybe that’s just sad but it is like it is.
Simply ignoring an opinion he doesn’t like is simply not on his agenda he HAS to flame it and the poster.
He and 2-3 other here are quite alike,they think they are ‘the good ones’ and fail to see the truth.
They wouldn’t know the truth if it came and sat on their head.
I think what he’s saying is that Eve has rules, and that these rules are knowable ahead of time. With the possible exception of Calvinball, players who play a game agree to be bound by those rules and accept the consequences of any action by their opponents that do not violate those agreed upon rules.
The situation we have here is akin to someone losing a piece in a chess match and then wanting to change the rules so it’s not possible for his opponent to take his piece instead of wanting to get better at playing chess the way it is.
Everyone should know that if your ship is in space, it can explode. Everyone should know that it applies to combat and non-combat ships alike. Everyone should know that ‘industry’ is the production of weapons and as such anyone at any time may take offense to someone taking resources to manufacture weapons that could be used against them, or to someone taking resources they could use to make weapons for themselves.
It’s all well and good to want to play by a different set of rules, but if you want that, make up your own game instead of changing one with rules that are already well known.
All PvE elements in EVE are played in the greater context of a PvP sandbox. PvE is not an isolated playstyle like you find it in other games.
Yeah I don’t see how that is even relevant. It is a perfectly good strategy to take advantage of some unprepared player who thought to be save. Does it make you feel better if you call it “not battle” or “cowardly”?
Again, EVE is also a PvE game.
And just because someone CAN doesn’t mean they SHOULD.
I feel fine, thank you. How are you?