Annual Account and Ganker


They did it because they have no clue what to do and fell from one extreme right into the other,not getting that extremes are the problem not pvp or pve.

The game has survived for 17 years with just a PvP only server. I think it will continue to do fine.

Well but that is just how it is.

You sound like someone who thinks if he ignores the obvious reality of this game and just dreams up his own vision of how it is supposed to be that has somehow relevance in a discussion about the actual game. It doesn’t. It will help neither you not any other players who agree with you, to understand EVE or get any better at it.

All you will end up is perpetual tears about how unfair everything is because reality doesn’t match your expectations.

Never change, we love that kind of salt

They should not have access to NPC stations and only be able to use the Market in their own corporation stations.

What about other player owned stations?

to all others:


This mindset is a result of being ass powered by ccp for 17 years.

Dominance,even this imagined one,is ‘birthright’ and all other playstyles are just for pvp content.

So sad.

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It’s psychpatic.

EVE PvP is not about the actual ship combat. When that fight starts it is usually already decided who will win. The mistake was made way in advance and let you to end up in that situation from where there was no escape.

You can cry all day about how that is unfair. It will not help you understand the game or get better at it. Accept it as a lesson and that you getting killed was YOUR fault, because you let your guard down, because you assessed the situation wrong. This way you can grow and become better.

Or, keep entertaining us with your tears. Your choice

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I feel sorry for you,so one-dimensional in your mindset.

Tie someone down and slaughter him then say it was his fault. Typical victim blaming.

Well…he CAN do this…but it should lead to ban if repeated.

A small inconvenience, nothing we can’t work around. In fact I kinda already expect that to happen for years, so I kinda pre-adapted and don’t even use any highsec NPC stations. :joy:

Yeah, I can’t remember when I last time used my gank alts for a shopping tour

And now what? Cry for more nerfs?

In a computer game yes

The purpose of the game is to not get tied down an slaughtered while you try to do what you are doing. If you don’t manage to do that it is your fault.

Not ban. The game allows it and it’s fine by me.

But they should not have all access to NPC services if they are pirates.
Were pirates allowed in the port of Amsterdam? I think NOT.

Depends on the bribes they paid :stuck_out_tongue:

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Am I missing something?

Are they now complaining about warp disruptors specifically?

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You internet psychopaths can only come back with “cry” and “salt”.
Change your tune. Don’t you have another music?

Exactly. They did not have free access.

Citadels are in many ways better than npc stations for gankers.

Who is ‘they’ and what is the ‘where’?

Context is missing

Good for them. Just like Tortuga was great for that band of degenerates.