Annual Account and Ganker

im a little tipsy but i am getting a clear difference between a glass half full a glass half empty, usually too pissed to notice the fine detail but its nearly
Hogmanay and Most Scots are clearly very sober at this time.

You’re drunk Aaaarrgg, go home :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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i am both drunk and at home …\o/ result


Are you serious about this? You must be joking.

Appropriate user name detected

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I agree. …and local as well while they’re at it…

So instead of automagically losing your gank ship to almighty CONCORD , one gets chances to pop another target(s)? Sweet! I like your idea! IT’S ORCAGEDDON TIME BOYZ! RELEASE THE CRAIC-EN!

Ah. Well…um…er…

  • A number of EvE players already play that way and that’s been the case since about 2003, ya know…

  • A number of the gankers you secretly are jealous of are already attackable by anybody, at anytime. (many of the CODE. folks by example).

  • If your idea were implemented…then anybody could attack anybody else anyway regardless of flagellating…er…flagging oneself or not, eh?

You might be correct, sadly. Some folk do do things in EvE for other reasons than isk, though…so perhaps there might be a chance your excellent proposal might work.

True, but leadership was absent and took no action against those who just fed orca’s to the wardec. Those who stayed in the corp never logged in, those who did log in left for NPC corporations.

You can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your fellow corporation members.

That is a question for CCP.

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Well I think we had different experiences. Thr corps I was in made it clear that blood in the water meant the war extended, so we rarely had that, and when we did, it tended to be because while Billy was out getting killed, the rest of us were else where doing other stuff.

Again, while I knew people did this, we had few.

Au contraire mon anime, check out my corp members. :slight_smile:

That’s I’m talkin’ about! :hugs:

If you don’t know the answer to this simple question then you really have no reason to assume that the wardec fix was in any way effective at all.

In fact the whole wardec community said from the start that this will have the complete opposite effect from what CCP intended if breaking this ratio was the actual goal, and for everything I hear this got even worse. So I’m totally open to actual data that show that this had any effect, but so far I have seen only numbers that show that the situation got even worse.

At what point should CCP just acknowledge that this was a total failure and just reverse the change? I would say that is absolutely warranted unless the actual reason for the change was something else.

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It wasn’t the goal. The goal was to stop people winning Eve. Wars? The zero effort, water flows downhill way of deal with a war was to not log in, or leave corp. First day of war, log in. End of the week, log in again, war continues? Log in a week later? Naw, at that point people cancelled subs and went off to play World of X and went “EVE Sucks”.

Well, I don’t have numbers, but its highly unlikely corporations without structures are having problems with wars anymore.

Well, of all the things I would like to see CCP put their hand up for apologising over, wars are well below Super Proliferation, Blackout, Fozziesov, Citadel Time Zone Tanking, Passive Moon Ore, High Security Moon Mining and Jump Fatigue.

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For me If there is no Gankers in highsec. It’s just another Farmville space. I have nothing to evade. I have nothing to outsmart. Players in highsec are being gank because they are being outsmarted by the gankers. Why did a ship being gank at a gate when gankers don’t gate camp? Why does mission runners being gank when gankers still need to launch a combat probes, did they not detect the probes.? Why do miners being gank always, Don’t they have plans to evade ganking. are they not alligned ? Are they not checking the place zkill when they mine there? It’s not the gankers fault if a player are not smart enough or not cautious enough.

Have you not heard? FarmVille died with adobe flash.

You aren’t being charged a ‘griefer tax’ for one?

They don’t camp because when their standings get bad enough people can freely engage them. They use a. neutral alt in a heron or whatever to cargo scan people and paste their stuff into eve-prasial to see who is worth blowing up.

Because all but two of the hulls have garbage for tank.

They are tied to one location in order to mine. Alignment for only a few minutes puts ships out of range of the asteroid.

zkill does not record all activity in the game, if some n00b gets blown up in a retriever it likely will not end up on zkillboard.

It is nothing to do with being smart or cautious, some groups will blow up miners on principle and because the cost to an established player to continuously do it is far lower than that of the person being blown up.

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Consider your point of view from outside the box. When high-sec mining, hauling and mission running etc, are left without risk, then the value of the produce/loot goes down with it. Without destruction there is no value.

This affects everywhere in the game. This is the reason why AFK income in null-sec was targetted with nerfs. If there is no risk, then there is reduced value. ISK proliferates, and there is no feeling of loss on a ship’s destruction.

Eve at it’s core was built on the premise of losing a ship meaning something, it should hurt. That is what makes the victories sweeter. No-one cares when they die in an FPS and re-spawn 10 seconds later.

It always amazes me the lengths high-sec players will go to to avoid doing anything remotely useful to defend themselves.

A “griefer” corp is playing the role of organised crime. They are running a protection racket, and they have been doing it a long time.
Consider your options:

  • Pay the fees and mine/haul in safety (from them).
  • Refuse to pay the fees and have their thugs come and break your legs (retriever)
  • Coordinate a response.

If you are just a miner. Why don’t you form a coalition of miners/haulers?
You can prevent ganking of your ships quite simply.
The gankers have formulas to know about how much they need to crack you open before concord turns up. If you do literally anything to skew the numbers in your favour you stay alive and they die.
For example:
Have a guy in a logi cruiser who can rep you when they attack and when the attack finishes warp out the logi and wait out the 5 minute timer.

Sit a guy in an alpha mael/phoon with quick locking and an MJD. He can alpha 4-5 thrashers off the field in 1 cycle. You survive. Warp out the typhoon and wait out the timer.

If you are always mining/hauling in paper thin ships, then you are asking for trouble. They have better mining yield yes, but do they actually make more money after factoring in protection rackets and ganks?
If so, you’re already ahead stop complaining and keep doing what you are doing.
If not, then switch ships.

Team up guys! A corporation/alliance of organised crime works because they are organised and working together.

Learn from low-sec/null-sec residents. Have PVP ships on standby and be in fleet together to help each other out.

Stick together, make friends, and form a coalition of high-sec vigilantes. High-sec will love you for it and you might actually have fun turning the tables on your enemies!


It interferes with ISK/hour.

and hard to form a coalition as all are afk

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something something STFU gankbaby something sandbox means play how I want to

Easy solution.

First victim forced into unwanted pvp : fined a week.
Second time : one month.
Third time permban and ip is blocked.

Fixed for accuracy.