Anti-Ganking needs to stop being Anti-Gank

Cilla has a secret mystery main, who is better than her in every way, which means that her secret mystery main makes better posts. You will never know who they are, but I can assure you that her secret mystery main is really impressive.

Why, thank you for an honest appraisal of James 315.

Praise James \o/

Indeed ! It ought to be possible for a small solo ship to take down a much larger one, or even several larger ones. I mean, if a single dive bomber can take out an entire aircraft carrier with one bomb…as has happened…why can Eve not have the equivalent ?

I’ll fight your biggest ship in any small ship of your choice.

Hol up. This is some grade A quafe right here man. You’ve never seen an AFK miner? LOL.

Just go to Poinen.

Uh wut. No, no it isn’t ROFL.

You mean when you actually are going to do it or

Bruv, you literally said you’ve never seen an AFK miner. Like, for reals? So either you don’t mine or you’re just lying ROFL. Which is it?

A small ship can take out a larger ship in the right circumstances.

As for the second thing, that’s why this is a vidya game and not reality. If you can’t figure out why your suggestion is bad, it still shows you know nothing about PvP ROFL.

,smh and walks away…heh, heh, heh

Yes. Is English not your first language ?

Oh…wait…you come from that strange country where people seem to think that typing ‘ROFL’ after everything makes them right. Never mind, you’ll grow out of it once you pass adolescence.

Of course it is. If a person is logged in more than once, there is no way they can fully pay attention to multiple logins at the same time. Even if a person has a screen split in 4, by definition if they are looking at one quarter of it and hence one login…they are not looking at the others. You can only look at one screen at a time. By definition anyone logging in multiple times is not paying full attention to one or more of their logins. There is zero difference between that and being AFK. Anyone who thinks there is…is deluding themselves.

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There is a point to which you can take your sophistry that even if your intention is to semi-obviously troll, you still become a caricature of your own self.

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So by that definition if I have a PI chart up on my second monitor and I look over at it, I’m now AFK? If I glance up over the top of the monitor and look out the window for 3 seconds I’m AFK, because I don’t have my eyes focused on that particular screen? If that’s the hill you’re willing to make a stand on, good luck with that.

I think Pricilla doesn’t know what AFK is short for.

I don’t have to read the rest if this post to know this will be a troll post.
Another pro-r3tard… eh ganking thread.

So you’re lying. Got it :smiley:

Huh. That’s a whole lotta words for not knowing what AFK means ROFL.

Hey you’re back :smiley: I’m sure Adrian says what’s up. I’ve seen like 17 more peeps with 5.1. Reminds me of you :smiley:

Oof. That ableism.

That’s one of my favourite expressions, and it describes EVE Online perfectly.

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Yes ! Although technically AFK may mean ‘absent from keyboard’…clearly a person doesn’t have to be literally absent from their keyboard to be watching Netflix while in Eve. So the true context is one of not really paying full attention.

LOL, it does not actually.

It means away from keyboard. Sorry bruv.

You were wrong :smiley:

But they do think we need to justify every act . It’s like they are more concerned about AG morals than anyone. Why their scamming and griefing game play is beyond reproach.

Do they not realise how transparent they look

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You literally harbor criminals in your corp. Or did you kick him yet?

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Excellent advice as always

GankPro 2.4 is available