Anti-Ganking needs to stop being Anti-Gank

To see the state of HiSec mining myself, last year, I loaded up a porpoise and offered folks free mining boosts. The vast majority of players simply didn’t respond. Only when I landed in belt, did about 10% respond in local. About 45% warped off to a different belt – what, did they seriously think I was going to gank them in a porpoise? Yes, they were that scared. No talking, just them silently leaving me like I was a leper. The other 45% continued to sit in my boosting range, but not getting boosts, unresponsive.

The first day, I actually got 4 strangers in fleet mining together. We talked, we chatted, way more interaction than before. I still talk to 1 of them irregularly.

However, the next 2 days, no one wanted to join. That was pretty frustrating to see. I gave up after that and decided to do more fun things.

If you think that’s bad, fly around belts while suspect-flagged. You can even use something like a Venture or a hauler. A solid third of the miners you’ll meet will instantly dock in a station and log off for a week.

Though haulers can be combat fit so that is not too bad thinking on their part.

The Venture has built in warpstab so even if for some reason the miner had a scram the Venture could still easily escape anyway so not really a reason to bother with that either.

However why they don’t just keep on mining is a mystery… and pretty hilarious. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Can use a pod or a shuttle too. Same exact reaction.

Yes, and I think that was the strategy for a particular meme-y alliance in hi-sec Heimatar to essentially claim a whole system’s belts for themselves without having to actually gank that often.

Why would that be at all surprising ? Anyone with any sense only has the names part of the ‘Local’ window maximised. One does not want random chatter taking up the screen. So most people would have been oblivious of the fact that you even said anything. When I’ve mined I have never ever engaged in local chat…it’s a distraction one does not need. So you cannot use whether people replied or not as evidence of being AFK.

Well then, with an attitude like that, you must indeed be truly mystified, boondoggled, confused, and wonder how so many dumbasses like me can meander through New Eden with the intrusive, hypnotizing, and attention-grabbing diversion known as the “chat half of the Local window”, and yet still somehow resemble a functioning pilot capable of flying a ship.

A fair application of your logic means you cannot claim it is zero, either. I don’t care whether they were AFK or not, personally. The end result is the same: I got bored trying to lower every barrier to giving them a free, no-strings-attached mining boost.

EDIT: I didn’t want to originally include this in the story, but the third day another motivating factor in my giving up was because an enterprising ganker alt was following me around the systems, and whenever I found someone who wasn’t responding to me, they warped in and ganked the ship. After it happened a second time, I stopped. I didn’t want to be associated with gankers, and clearly offering a public service like this was actually putting my reputational perception at risk. Because those miners were indeed AFK and didn’t warp when flashy reds came into system. Didn’t even try. Catalysts in my face, but not shooting me, twice.

If Hi-Sec folks generally did have a reputation of always being at keyboard ready to warp away from gankers, then the range of “socially acceptable outcomes” could have been very different. I would have had the “reputational freedom” to go around offering public boosts without feeling like I was risking it being tailed by gankers. Perhaps I would have had a very different life offering public boosts.

But that reality doesn’t exist, and cannot today, not without me putting in the analogous of “Mike Azariah Magic School Bus” levels of effort. Which, I didn’t, so clearly my personality and character is flawed. And all the Hi-Sec folks are a-OK. :roll_eyes:

This is the magic of Eve. I wouldn’t change it.

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How about a retriever that’s 300km away from the belt burning away from it in a straight line? Quite obviously they were mining a rock that the were orbiting and once the rock died the ship just heads off on its current course. And the player didn’t notice……. And now they are 300km from the belt. Could that be classed as afk.

Or a mackinaw sitting in a belt not moving with t1 light drones orbiting it and no mining lasers active? Could that be classed as AFK.

I’ve seen both over the weekend and see similar things regularly.

AFK mining happens. Not every miner is afk. But similarly not every miner is at the keyboard or paying any attention at all.

I mean burning 300km in a retriever is a fair amount of time not to realise you arnt mining anything right? Or is this some meta strategy I’m not aware of?

Everyone uses their little anecdotal tales as if they were true across all of Eve. I’ve mined for hours on end ( though I do less of it now ) and never been ganked or even seen a gank in an asteroid belt while mining. What I have seen is a lot of oblivious noobs…unaware of every single trick I use to avoid being ganked. But despite them being so oblivious I’ve never seen any of them ganked.

Also…to counter your point…I myself do not warp when flashy reds come into the system. Why would I ? I always mine within d-scan range of a station, and all I need to know is are there ganker ships there. I always plan a station B to go to if there are, and if I get highly suspicious I warp to 100km from the station and have a look. If things look really bad I can always warp to a station with instant tether. I also mine as far from the asteroid belt landing point as possible…plus various other little tricks. So no…I don’t flee the minute Local goes all red.

The point about AFK is that the sort of ships you were offering boosts to only have an ore hold fillup time of 15-20 minutes…either for Ventures or Mackinaws, Procurers, etc. You can’t be AFK for hours on end if you actually want any substantial ore.

Why would somebody who knows what they are doing bother mining in highsec? The pay is terrible.

Because isk doesn’t equal fun?

High sec mining is like a virtual stressball. Sometimes after a sh*t day at work the repetitive target a rock click, target a rock click. Is an extremely soothing activity.

Don’t judge everyone’s game play by your own personality type.

And similarly if every highsec miner decided that it wasn’t worth it as you suggest it would take about a week for the rest of the game to be begging us to go back and mine. We provide an essential service. Quit belittling it


Calm down miner :stuck_out_tongue:

:smirk: :smiling_imp: :popcorn:

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Yeah very good. I’m ashamed I didn’t see that incoming missile in advance lol

You seem kinda sensitive about it. I asked a simple question.

Not really

I mean sure it’s a question. But one that’s loaded with judgement.

Not sure but to me it seems it isn’t questioning mining itself but mining in hisec specifically (in opposition with at other regions of space where it would be more lucrative). At least how it seems to me.

Cilla Cybin wrote a long description about how to mine in relative safety in highsec. I responded to that with, “why?” I don’t think that my question, in context, was particularly judgmental. But, whatevs.

And are you the exception? Because I’m slowly getting the impression of Dracvlad levels of self-importance here.

It is possible two different anecdotes are true simultaneously. I have also had this experience. I decided to share an anecdote of when I attempted to break the mould. Of trying to live an experience with myself plus the strangers in my local constellations, beyond just me and 1 system. If my personal experiences and conclusions bother you, go do it yourself, break the mould and offer the public free boosts in high sec, and report back.

It doesn’t counter my point? These were people that didn’t warp when flashy reds enter system. They didn’t warp when catalysts showed up on D-Scan. They didn’t even attempt to align when the cata’s showed up on overview on-grid. They continued mining still as their ships were locked, scrammed, and blew up. I’m not mean-spirited enough to assume you’d do the same: you’d warp out at some point in that sequence.

You’re overly attached to very specific details of my anecdote about “flashy reds in local”. I’m sorry if I gave you the false impression that only chinking away at parts of it would somehow change my mind. You’ve made clear you are putting thought into your piloting. Nice! However, like you said, you and I are not everyone else.

Your continuous need to invalidate my personal experince of trying to exert my will in all sorts of unconventional non-ISK-positive ways in New Eden is especially not welcome. When you’re comfortable enough with your own piloting to start doing all sorts of weird things, testing the boundaries of other peoples’ behaviors, then let me know what you find. What you won’t find, is me telling you “you’re wrong and your experiences are wrong”.

This is my way of saying: If you ■■■■ on people who tried to do genuinely nice things for coming to a negative conclusion, you’re not making the “good guys” look good.

You’re still welcome to judge me for “trying to do something nice”, “failing at doing something nice”, “coming to the ‘wrong’ conclusion”, “breaking the mould”, “being ISK inefficient and breaking the mould”, whatever. “He’s a pussy”, “he’s a ganker sympathizer”, “he’s a carebear”, “he’s toxic”, “he’s a loony”, “he’s a most adequate pilot” (there’s a story behind that one), whatever. Frankly, I don’t give a damn. I at least did a thing once.

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You could have said “why would someone bother mining in high sec. It doesn’t seem worth it”. Which is a legitimate question

But you added “who knows what they are doing” to the question. That’s a clear implication you think anyone competent wouldn’t do it and therefore those that do are not of a sufficient standard in your mind

It’s no different to

“Why would anyone gank?”


“Why would anyone that doesn’t have emotional problems gank”

Yeah, you definitely sound triggered.