Any ancient old-guarders left?

Yeah, I could have worded it a bit better, it was more aimed at the probable shills.

Please stay humble my frend.

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Yes, I remember you. Wow, EvE has changed so much over the last 5 years! …and it might be changing a lot more in the next couple… CCP was bought by a Korean game company (Pearl Abyss). The repercussions of that, if any, are a matter of speculation at this early point…

So do check things out. Now you can sign your character into EvE for free and it will just be a limited Alpha clone until you sub or plex it. Then it becomes an Omega clone (regular account) and you can then access all the skills you trained in the past. Also, among many other changes, Clone tier skillpoint limits are gone. One no longer has to buy a new clone after getting popped or upgrading.


Welcome back. It’s hard to stay away.

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I recently started playing again after a 5 year stint away from game as well. Huge amounts have changed. I’m not as common a name as yours, I was more of a lurker back then and didn’t post much.

o/ Akita T!
Yeah, some of us reptiles evolving into marsupials or opposums are still around. :slight_smile: Good to hear from you mate. When you get done with the dad stuff and other things, get back in if you feel like it. Eventually, dads get their time back. :slight_smile:

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I remember you.
I don’t remember if I liked you or not.

Eventually :slight_smile:
Hopefully Eve-O will still be around and recognizable then.

Then it was probably mostly neutral (or a bit of both).

No go away…contract me your purple pixelated stuff…than go away again.

Come to think of it, my rum soaked memory is telling me that you tended to have somewhat pragmatic and worthy ideas.

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