Any news on why the daily SP reward got halved?

Inflation bro

You need to re-read what I wrote.

I have no issues with Alphas getting some free sp, or Omegas.

I was pointing out that even 2500 sp points helps a little regardless of what type of account receives it.

I don’t understand how you read it differently.

Oh, now it’s just “useful”. It’s like arguing that getting a penny every day is “useful”. It isn’t practical as a sole source of income. Similarly, 30K SP is not practical for actually advancing skill training. Period. You are the only person crying about. Whining about how good alphas have it with their 30K a month Login SP. And apparently you cannot explain why anyone would bother. Imagine having an account with 5M SP and then continuing on 30K SP a month. Maybe in a year of two you can get something trained if all you did was collect stuff of the Login screen and never actually enter the game. Why would anyone bother?

And explain what is even the point in having all these alts (“zillions”) that you never play if it’s just about getting SP. SP for what? They don’t play them according to you. Please, explain. You’re trying to weasel out of it because you fully understand how absurd you sound. Talk about smoke and mirrors. You literally said nothing. You’re just talking in circles, repeating the same false rhetoric that prompted the question in the first place. You know you have no answer.

CCP could have incorporated the Daily Login into the AIR Dailies. They didn’t. They simply got rid of it and nerfed the AIR Dailies to boot. The format of the Login rewards is irrelevant. It’s the fact that player rewards were nerfed for the people who did play the game and actively complete AIR Dailies. Nobody would care if the Login rewards were actually rolled into the AIR Dailies.

I’m aware of that. But we’re talking about the claim that people were just collecting the Login
rewards without ever actually logging in. As if you could effectively train “zillions” of alts this way. Which is complete rubbish. Injectors, Dailies, etc. aren’t a factor in this scenario.

The only exception is AIR rewards for completing the 4 career paths and the progress bar at the bottom (or any SP without a time limit to claim). But they’d have to play the game for that. You’d be best to keep them in the Redeem window until after you reached 5M. Same as the 1M free SP.

You misunderstand. Say you are training and have 4.5M skills training and applied to skills. If you have 500K SP unclaimed you still have 5M SP total. You can no longer train in the queue even though you only used 4.5M. So you get no advantage in acquiring SP Login rewards and monitoring unredeemed every day prior to hitting 5M vs. someone who just put 5M SP into their queue and never looked back. If you’re not actively playing there was no point in claiming the Daily Login rewards. Not until you already reached 5M. At which point 2.5K SP is not a practical means to progress further. It would take decades to get 20M SP that way.

For normal people the free SP is a nice extra where CCP hopes it keeps you ticking over and logging in because it helps their metrics, that’s it. It’s not meant to be worthwhile, it’s not something you can or should demand, rely on or really care about too much. It’s the complementary cookie you find in your hotel room which you might just decide to not bother with at all.

The only people caring about this are the fomo people, the skill injector farmers and the turbo aspies. Because those are the types of people who tend to run a bunch of accounts.

And you apparently… And that makes me howl. :rofl:

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Keep in mind that many players are not committed to EVE play in any major way. There’s something they like about EVE, or think they might like ‘someday’, or they have some sort of nostalgia for it; whatever.

CCPs purpose in their various little login incentives is to get players over the “do I bother to log in today?” hump. It’s not about “lazy new generation gamers” or “CCP generously giving away freebies” or “cheap alphas milking/fleecing CCP”.

CCP and other devs know that a serious player of their game is going to log in anyway and probably pay little attention to these small bonuses. The incentives are intended to get people past that “Gee, do I bother to log in EVE today? Or should I go Diablo or Skyrim or Helldivers?”

For casuals in that situation, knowing they’re going to get a bonus just for firing up the launcher, then another bonus for spending 10-15 minutes in the game, is often the boost needed for them to put EVE on their list today. Once the startup/update/launcher/game load time stretches out longer with no particular payoff, other options become more attractive.

CCP is trying to get players to spend the most time in game with the least payout (which means longer grinds), and many players are trying to get the ‘most payout’ with the least investment of time and effort in the game. It’s not just an EVE thing, you can see this across many, mostly older, games.


That’s still impractical. I feel like we’re talking about a cryptid. These hypothetical SP farmers sound like make-believe. It takes about 6 months to train up to 5M SP as an alpha in queue. Then it would take an additional 16.6 months to get additional 500K SP at 30K per month. Almost two years of claiming rewards every day (22.6 months). Well, I guess event SP could speed that up.

A character will have to have 5.500.000 Skill points minimum in skills to be able to extract skill points as it is not possible to extract skill points below 5.000.000 Skill points. Unallocated skill points DO NOT count towards those 5.500.000 SP and cannot be extracted until they have been applied.

So if I’m reading this correctly you would only be able to get 500K SP in 22.6 months, seeing as the 5M isn’t extractable. You think this is practical mean of attaining SP? Sounds like a pretty crappy farm. It would make much more sense to just farm the Industrialist AIR Career Path. Sure, they would have to log in and AFK mine, but it would be MUCH MUCH faster SP farming. Faster than logging in to “zillions” of alts every day for at least a year. Even if we’re generous and removed 10 months for event SP. That’s 1 year for 500K vs. 4 days for 600K.

It just wouldn’t be worth the time and effort to abuse it for alpha chars imo, could do other things for more isk/h.

It is/was an extra for free and it takes almost no effort, I’m sure you can understand this right? I mean if it’s so useless why are you advocating for it “for the newbies”?

In my day, we were lucky if we got 1K.


Someone has to “think of the children”.


The virtue signaling is real and per usual it’s all about themselves.

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Its just taking longer for them to make that point. Like theyre evolving lol

Guess no good deed goes unpunished, when this first came out I was annoyed as well as I did the math for a solo char per account and it was a huge nerf then did the math for all 3 chars and it was actually not too bad.


More like due to the daily SP reward being halved they make half the progress on the forums as well. :wink:

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :smirk: :popcorn:


In my day you got what you got from paying for your sub. That’s it.

I would not be averse to going back to that.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


it’s actually a lot better than what it used to be, guaranteed sp on all three chars per account if you do their daily opportunities for 12 days. But no, it won’t generate enough plex in 2.5 years to plex for a month :smiley:


Starting skills SP requirements are far less and it goes further. After a certain point it becomes relatively useless. I’m sure you can understand this, right?

What I cannot understand is your make-believe SP alpha farmer theory though, which I thoroughly demonstrated to be highly impractical. And you did not even so much as try to refute my points because you understand I am right. Yet out of stubborn pride you cannot admit it. All you can do is try to poison the well by insinuating I’m farming SP alpha accounts at 500K SP a year… at best. :smile: What a joke.

It’s better for the more casual people who never put much effort into it to begin with. It’s worse for people who did the dailies every day. The total possible SP per month is nerfed, but you can get more SP for less work, I guess. Technically it’s a nerf, but for older characters who probably don’t care about the dailies and complete them by happenstance it’s a boon. It kind of becomes something for nothing in a way.