Any theories on why so many people have quit over the last 2 years?

1, I’ve learned to embrace change, re-evaluating your playstyle can be good if anything you learn more.

2, Eve is a game where you have to protect what you’ve taken years to build. Imagine grinding for years and then having your stuff stolen…I think that’s where the serious part comes in because so much time is invested.

3, The player base makes Eve what it is spies and awoxer’s are a problem because the result could be loss of assets which people took their precious time to build. Try to accept there will be a small admin process when joining some corps.

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LOL, you think this is a game? To me it is an experience, a virtual existence where you can write your own story and be the main star of the show.

It’s not boring, CCP provided a platform for the players to use. I can go mine for a ship and then sell it for profit, then I can re-invest that profit and rinse and repeat. I don’t find that process boring I find it very interesting because someone will eventually try to stop my process and I will have to defend it…Can you not see that CCP has made you the star of your own epic sci-fi experience?,

What you describe is actually the whole point of the game, the players manipulate the game where the stronger and team-work orientated people are prosperous.

In an ideal world people would discuss honestly to exchange ideas, improve each others understanding and explore different angles of a topic.

In the real world, people already think they have all the answers and the whole reason for their contribution to a discussion is to try to make everyone aware that they know best and to try to make other people accept their set opinion however uninformed it is.

I don’t say there are no people who are capable of changing or improving their position during a discussion, it is just very rare. And yes this is absolutely horrible.

Want to hear something worse? In politics they even criticise those people who change their position and call them “turncoat”. They are the complete opposite of healthy debating and critical thinking. That’s why I hate politics like the pest.

So now if you observe any discussions about the ever same topics on the forums and you tell me, does this resemble a healthy debate among critical thinkers?

This is why I am not concerned with the ever same discussions and the same people stating the same nonsense which was refuted a hundred times over. The only reason I am here is to over and over expose their agenda and their lies, because someone has to do it, because if we don’t then the lies stay unchallenged and people will simply accept it as a valid opinion.

This is all very sad indeed.


i don’t know where you live. i know that many politicians around the world support, and use, totalitarian thinking. i believe you.

Still… when you keep pointing it out, and nothing can change, then you still lose. With certainty.

as much as you speak the truth there lies the core of the problem,
if I need to invest a week just to group with people for 5 minutes I’ll either play solo and get bored or just play another game.

which leads exactly to what I’ve stated earlier on my personal reasons for quitting.

I enjoy the theme and the mechanics of the game but as multiplayer game I want to group with others - which never ends well and imho is the core problem why most people leave the game for short times or just quit.

You work all day, come home and do whatever chores you need in your day to day life. Then you got an hour or two with a cup of coffee to relax. I can either play some video game which I’m in the action doing something, I can watch a movie or maybe read a book.

In EvE I’ll either file long request with APIs and my underwear size for few hours and then wait number of days until an interview and then maybe I’ll be accepted to a group. Or I’ll just ignore this annoyance and solo stuff until I’m bored and move on.


waiting for public, so might as well…

so, question.

when you know they’re not able to comprehend, wouldn’t it be much smarter to stop talking, and instead compiling everything into a few posts ? i object to the insanity the sane people are putting themselves into, PLUS the fact that legitimizes the insane’s behaviour!

the correct course of action, for actual progress, would be that people linked to a “FAQ”, or simply to older posts (we have bookmarks) !

This solution…

  • ends the insanity
  • ends their abuse of relative free speech
  • allows room for progress
  • doesn’t legitimize their behaviour
  • gathers all information in form of links written in posts, recognized by Google!


You can try. I guess most people will just skip your post if you simply dump a bunch of links on them and don’t address the stupid idea specifically.

It is not the politicians who call them turncoat but the citizens who voted him. They expect him to enforce a view even if new evidence would change his stance on it, because they voted for him because of the view and not because of his ability as a critical thinker.

Anyway, this is kinda off-topic.

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Spin and damage control teams out in full force in this thread.

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This is how democrazy dies. With thunderous applause!

No, he means she isn’t ganking. Ganking in EvE is to kill someones ship knowing that you will in turn have yours destroyed by concord for illegal aggression. Faylee is dueling people, that is not a gank since it is entirely voluntary combat for both parties.

Ganking is not the same as attacking someone and blowing them up. It is the concord retaliation that makes it a gank.

Occasionally someone may mention a gank with regard to a blops drop or some other high dps execution style kill, but they are not “gankers” or “ganking”.

youre describing suicide ganking

Not in these here parts :fiestaparrot:

sorry to do this

verb: gank; verb: ganked; gerund or present participle: ganking; 3rd person present: ganks; past participle: ganked

take or steal (something).
"if I have the money, I won't have to gank the books"
    defraud or rob (someone).
    "they can take trade-ins of new releases and sell them for $55, essentially ganking the publishers"
(in a video game) use underhand means to defeat or kill (a less experienced opponent).
"that troll just ganked me"

Don’t drink too much koolaid friendo. I would have to pay a sub or buy PLEX to continue training.

But sure keep pretending there’s a marketable alternative if you like. I’m sure you’re full of brilliant ideas to get those 94% of people who already quit EVE to come back and get engaged again pfffffffffffff

ehh i started eve in 2003 i nolonger play the game to progress as im not into playing with other people really due to my autism i have issues socializing and getting along with others.

I dont like the feeling that i have a job in rl and i need to get on the game to perform yet ANOTHER job, so i feel that my life is wasting away, so i think alot of people in eve probably feels this too? so they just leave.

i personally like i said above just get on the game to play with some of the features i can play with as a single player, just for the fun of it, as the fun stuff in eve to me anyway, barely nets you any income (high sec sites high sec mining, flying around trying to do loops with your spaceship, spamming missles at things, arena style pvp on the test server, play with alpha accounts to be a noob again, while still subbing both my omega accounts)


When the first reports of suicide ganking came about I couldn’t stop laughing. The thought of a group of people attacking and destroying someone only to get destroyed themselves with a small chance of billion isk loot dropping seemed funny, The ganking seemed to be aimed at shiny ships or SOV alliance Jump freigters on Jita undock when it was super laggy.

On topic, Leaving Eve for good is exaggerated, take me for example, I have been leaving since 2008 but here I am still playing.

Also it is a very long-winded game which may not suit those of us who have limited time. For the next few months Ill be happy maintaining my T1 market in Stain where I have the monopoly. In my younger days I invested in all of the T1 blueprints a few times over so I can log on for half an hour clear a few belts and refine the loot for the resources for my T1 market.

I feel cool that I can operate living in the same NPC 0.0 system as a big alliance.

For me Eve is just about being involved and doing something, even though I have limited time I have set myself up with something that has low level maintenance.

I am going to do that NPC project I was on about because I think Eve needs somewhere for the guys with limited time to congregate. We can all chill and do a level 4, or go on a low risk low sec roam or simply chat. I really want to promote an easygoing playstyle where the responsibilities of a corp are non-existent. Maybe if people knew such groups existed they would be less likely to leave.


Thank you for your insight. Eve can be hard to a lot of players looking to play casually. I know it would be very hard for me to do it.

like they should let u moon mine in highsec with a cheap like mall refinery or microrefiners even if it barly nets u any income atleast itll be something elce to do

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You can do Planetary Interaction in highsec. Its a ton of clicking though :frowning: