Anyone seen Space Sweepers?

I tried to watch it yesterday.
I couldn’t be bothered with all the different languages due to the subtitles.
I’m used to subtitles because when I didn’t know English I used to watch movies in VO and read in my language and listen to learn but, but with this movie, jumping from watching the action when they speak English to reading when they speak something else was too much on my eyes and my attention reflexes. It was all over the place.
Then the quality of the special effects and everything visual was great but it moved too fast to appreciate anything, as if they tried to hide some low quality visuals or something. The action moved too fast.
If it had been entirely in one language, I don’t care which, it wouldn’t have been that bad in my opinion.

Edit: I only got to the point when he jumped on the cash-counting machine and the other guy put a knife to his throat.

I love your optimism :slightly_smiling_face:


Oh man. Such a good movie!

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So no difference for most of the world, then.

Nice discussion but not EVE related so I’m bumping this over to out of pod experience.

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There is so much wrong with this as a chuck out statement I literally don’t know where to start.

For the sake of full disclosure, I’m British and European.

I’ve met Americans who are generous, funny, intelligent and truly wonderful people. I’ve also come across some Americans who represent the worst excesses of the human condition in terms of hatred, ignorance and spitefulness.

What can we conclude by this? Simply that there is good and bad everywhere that you go.

Whilst there may be a degree of ego and pomposity in the national cultural consciousness of Americans, you could also attach this truism to a dozen other countries who’s metaphorical head is frequently up it’s own bum, including my own country.

It’s time that we started looking beyond someone’s accidental place birth and at who they actually are before we rush to judgement.

And, just for the record, this should also extend to someone’s gender, sexuality, disability (or not), skin colour, etc, etc. None of this really matters.

What does matter is whether you try to be a force for good in your life, in whatever way you define this.

Personally, I try hard to walk through life having a good time, whilst causing the minimum amount of harm to others around me. If the world lived by this principle, it might be a nicer place.



I thought it was some sort of joke, suggesting to get rid of nationalism and racism by an act of nationalism/racism.

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Just watched it on Netflicks.


Special Effects:
:star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

Spaceships (exterior design):
:star: :star: :star: :star: :fire:

Spaceships (interior design):
:star: :star: :star: :star: :fire:

Quality of Acting:
:star: :star: :star: :fire: :fire:

Storyline: :star: :fire: :poop:

Sorry guys! By all means watch it but you’ll probably laugh in places.


You watched the whole thing??

I first thought it was a return of Space Janitors.

I did even though there were bits that were clearly a bit hilarious, if for no other reason than to be able to give a fair review.

In places it’s definitely not terrible, but the Korean film industry is, I think, a little like Bollywood, why have some simple on the screen when you can embellish it? Hence the review.


I liked the French guy.

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I don’t watch B movies.

Watch 18mins 35seconds … C movies!



Right. I don’t watch B movies but I’m going to watch 18mins of a C movie. Like that makes perfect sense. I don’t even have one minute to spare for such nonsense.

Watched it about a month ago and i really liked it.

It has action, humor, cheese and - to my honest surprise - some really sad and heartfelt moments, like that final father/doughter encounter for instance.

Another thing which impressed me as a german speaker (not my native language, but i’m pretty good at it) was that the woman speaking german was doing it perfectly; usually i’m rolling my eyes when american & english actors try to come off as germans with their horrible pronounciation, but this one seemed to be the real deal.

Sure, it may not be in the likes of Interstellar, but it’s a good sci-fi flick nonetheless; i’d recommend watching it if you’re a regular sci-fi fan.

Thanks for the recommendation, haven’t seen that one yet and it looks fun!

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