Apparel General Thread

The next eve online patch ( build : 2138646 ) shows up with 7 new apparel items, mainly accessories.

  • 73407_Female_Outer_JacketMilF02_Types_JacketMilF02_WhiteTurquoise 73407 ( Placeholder : WhiteTurquoise ), Outer, Female

  • 73423_Female_Accessories_Masks_Mask_Cyberpunk_F01_Types_Mask_Cyberpunk_F01_Tan_Worn 73423 ( Placeholder : Mask Cyberpunk Tan ), Masks, Female

  • 73424_Female_Accessories_Glasses_Goggles_01_Types_goggles_01_tan_worn 73424 ( Placeholder : Goggles Tan ), Eyewear, Female

  • 73425_Male_Accessories_Masks_Mask_Cyberpunk_M01_Types_Mask_Cyberpunk_M01_Tan_Worn 73425 ( Placeholder : Mask Cyberpunk Tan ), Masks, Male

  • 73426_Male_Accessories_Glasses_Goggles_01_Types_goggles_01_tan_worn 73426 ( Placeholder : Goggles Tan ), Eyewear, Male

  • 73436_Male_Makeup_Augmentations_Face_Paint_M01_Types_Face_Paint_M01_V7_Red 73436 ( Placeholder : Face Paint Red ), Augmentations, Male

  • 73437_Female_Makeup_Augmentations_Face_Paint_F01_Types_Face_Paint_F01_V3_Red 73437 ( Placeholder : Face Paint Red ), Augmentations, Female

The first dress is the repainted model of the Women’s ‘Structure’ Dress series, with Turquoise color as an accent colour instead of black. There is a symbolic mark on your left chest. I don’t know what it is, however it may help to guess the source of the item. Let me know if someone knows about it ! :sunglasses:


The Mask looks imposing and the hard wiring seems to be plugged into the surface of the skin. This might be rather augmentations than masks. It would fit well to the Triglavian Suits or any other combat suits.

I believe those items are relevant to the Crimson Harvest Event. According to the placeholders, the colour of the Turquoise is going to take a important role in the upcoming event :sunglasses:

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