Apparel General Thread

In that case you’ll need a flying monkey hat to accommodate your deity… which could also serve as a minion hat worn by nullsec (and in general any kind of) F1 monkeys.


Fly safe o/



There are not much apparels to collect anymore and I don’t see my old friends.
We haven’t received new apparels for more than a year.
I also don’t have that much time to spend for EVE. Life goes on and the priority changes.
Is anyone interested in buying all of my assets and take over my legacy heritage ?
Let me know if anyone is interested in it.

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Sorry buds, I might be a bit tired recently.
I found we had a new apparel which were seeded long years ago and now implemented officially this spring. Oops, I’ll edit the timeline later.
Anyway, It is real that I’m now thinking to find new owners who can take care of them not for reselling. If you are enough rich and responsible for it, let me know here.
If I could take over the thread for someone who still is enough passionate.

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According to my notes, and we’re only half way through the year, there have been 3 game updates so far this year that has included 9 different new or older re-released Apparel items, albeit most of them were sold in game packs for a limited time.

These are the Apparel items released this year:




Now I’m not sure what you mean in your last few replies in this thread. I sincerely hope you don’t intend to quit. Granted there’s times when we need to take a break from the game for a bit, I do that at various times. Now whenever I’m on a break, I don’t actually log-in but I still keep my main character subbed and training skills. I also stay semi-active in the forums, mostly it’s to keep my eye on the game for new updates and more importantly, for any new apparel items being released…

Main thing I’m trying to say is don’t get rid of your assets and or delete your accounts. Over the years I’ve seen way too many people do that, then later they come back and try to get back into the game. Unfortunately they were use to how it was before and due to not having their assets available, they consequently end up quitting for good. Time spent in this game is a rich commodity that shouldn’t be disposed of lightly…

Anyway, I’m not super space rich but I’m sure your apparel collection has items in it that I don’t have in my collection.


several of those were specific to twitch rewards as well, which makes things harder.

Even with half of the new stuff being reskins of the same model for jacket/coat/boots/etc, the rate of new drip to dress my characters up in is very lacking.

I hope a custom clothing tool is added, assuming that the custom ship skin tools aren’t garbage to the point that they couldn’t be mostly reused to make it.

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Being a different color or reskinned doesn’t mean the apparel item isn’t a new item, especially when it has a different name. Sure, it would be nice to have more variety in actual form than just in color but hey, it is what it is.

Now I don’t know which apparel items were twitch rewards but most of the items I listed are new releases for this year. The only item that was actually in the database was the ODIN SYNTHETIC EYE (RIGHT/GREY). Now I don’t know if it was a new release of an old database item or an actual re-release of an old item. But since I’ve been collecting apparel for a long time and my collection has 760 different male and female items in it, that item was definitely new to me.

Anyway, for the past few years CCP hasn’t been doing any mass give-away of apparel items like they use to do in the past, such as the Capsuleer Day apparel. Seems they’ve been more focused on monetizing apparel items. Due to that fact, I highly doubt there will ever be a custom clothing tool available, despite how much we would like to have one.

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Thanks for keeping this thread open and updated :slight_smile:

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