April 2019 Release - Known Issues

I have the opposite problem in my super hanger as It is too bright, the attached picture Is with the brightness set to very low. Now my Nyx is floating on top of a misty cloud…It’s terrible :frowning:


People are having problems logging back in while having suspect/logoff timers. Ticket submitted.

If you lose connection then try to reconnect with a timer the character gets stuck and wont load or warp back to the place it disconnected but other players can still see them in the local chat.

When the suspect/logoff timer ends then players can safely log back in.

I don’t know if this is an issue with the update, but I was ratting in Vale when I finished a site and couldn’t warp off. No one on grid. There was a nute in system. There there was two. Then one showed up at the site and I fought him off then both where there. I kept damaging the pointer but even after he warps off to repair - leaving a destroyer on grid but 300k away - I still could not warp. Friends came and the nutes all left system. Still, could not warp off! (See screenshot) There was a bubble around my hud and a smaller representation of it around my ship. After picking several other items to warp off to it finally worked.

I don’t know if it means anything in this context but I had clicked off a notice of receiving an escalation before I attempted to warp.

Hmmm, so far I cannot confirm, that this is directly linked to suspect timers - but I could reproduce now a case, where this happens if any module is pre-overheated, when logging off - which seems to be the same issue as docking with a pre-overheated module.

Would this match your observations?

I don’t think so. Myself and another player had this issue on the same fleet, I had no modules pre-heated. The only similarity was that we had suspect and logoff timers after hitting an Astrahus citadel and suffered a timed out disconnect then when we attempted to log our characters back in the screen was stuck attempting to load, the log-in circle was spinning but would not go past that until the timers had ended.

If that is me pre-overheating a module, then no. I can say that one of the attackers was suspect, but I am - was - not. When I could not warp off but I could see a nute in the system I checked my overview tabs to make sure I was not on blue. I couldn’t see anyone on the grid when I back out. If it was caused by me being pointed by a character I couldn’t see them.

same problem here, the supers(mine is a Nyx) are too bright

I am experiencing a framerate drop when travelling, warping to gates and especially jumping. Also when opening windows like the Agency. There is a brief game “freeze” even. There used to be some framerate drops in these occasions before, but now they seem to be more severe.

Seems to be an issue also with the Journal window.
It just doesn’t want to open for me anymore.
Tried many things and cleared cache … tho you can eventually get the window to open though it’s stuck in an endless loading cycle.
Opens ok on one client tho not on others.
Bug reported.

Each time the NeoCom button is clicked or the menu option is tried LogLite reports and Exception :
EXCEPTION #4 logged at 04/10/2019 21:15:06 : Unhandled exception in <TaskletExt object at 0x43d7db90, abps=1001, ctxt=’<NO CONTEXT>^<bound method ButtonWindow.OnClick of <neocom.ButtonWindow object c495490, name=journal, destroyed=False>>’>

Formatted exception info: AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘tables’

Common path prefix = c:/buildagent/work/bd8c56c3aa04df82/eve/release/tranquility

Caught at:
<pre>/packages/bluepy/init.py(45) CallWrapper

Thrown at:
<pre>/packages/bluepy/init.py(36) CallWrapper
<pre>/eve/client/script/ui/shared/neocom/neocom/neocomButtons.py(359) OnClick
<pre>/eve/client/script/ui/shared/neocom/neocom/neocomButtons.py(496) OnClickCommand
<pre>/eve/client/script/ui/eveCommands.py(2823) GetCommandAndExecute
<pre>/eve/client/script/ui/eveCommands.py(2829) ExecuteCommand
<pre>/eve/client/script/ui/eveCommands.py(1541) OpenJournal
<pre>/eve/client/script/ui/control/eveWindow.py(744) ToggleOpenClose
<pre>/packages/carbonui/control/window.py(3032) Open
<pre>/packages/carbonui/control/window.py(94) init
<pre>/packages/carbonui/primitives/base.py(148) init
<pre>/eve/client/script/ui/shared/neocom/journal.py(711) ApplyAttributes
<pre>/eve/client/script/ui/shared/neocom/journal.py(927) LoadIncursionDistributions
<pre>/packages/carbonui/control/scroll.py(1026) LoadContent
<pre>/packages/carbonui/control/scroll.py(1409) AddNodes
<pre>/packages/carbonui/control/scroll.py(1284) AddNode
<pre>/packages/carbonui/control/scroll.py(1313) PrepareSubContent
<pre>/packages/carbonui/control/scroll.py(1409) AddNodes
<pre>/packages/carbonui/control/scroll.py(1284) AddNode
<pre>/packages/carbonui/control/scroll.py(1304) PrepareSubContent
<pre>/eve/client/script/ui/shared/neocom/journal.py(962) GetIncursionDungeons
<pre>/packages/grouprewards/data.py(153) get_max_reward_value_by_reward_type
group_reward = None
group_reward_id = 15
reward_type_id = 1

Thread Locals: session was <Session: (sid:4637030003796784847, clientID:0, mutating:0, contextOnly:False, locationid:60008131, corprole:0x7fffffffffffffffL, userid:569872, languageID:EN, role:0x6000040000000000L, charid:734120640, address:, userType:30, sessionType:5, regionid:10000043, constellationid:20000323, allianceid:99008556, corpid:765483506, shipid:1483617471, stationid:60008131, stationid2:60008131, worldspaceid:60008131, solarsystemid2:30002201, hqID:60008131, rolesAtAll:0x7fffffffffffffffL, rolesAtHQ:0x7fffffffffffffffL, rolesAtBase:0x7fffffffffffffffL, rolesAtOther:0x7fffffffffffffffL, genderID:True, bloodlineID:8, raceID:8, corpAccountKey:1002)>
Stackhash: -38565153
Reported from: logmodule

We (thanks go to CCP karkur) could now confirm that this also happens, if you have a module (like a shield booster) active, when your client closes.
Our first attempt to fix this problem had unfortunately even worse side effects, so we are still working on it.

Hangar are awesome don’t fix it :stuck_out_tongue:


Issues after 1100H April 10, 2019 Update:
After entering Jita Station, the game became unplayable

Additional Info:

  • all other windows seems to work okay like the inventory window, regional market and fitting

At what point are you going to fix the phoenix. Day 2 and it is still broken

the same as you .I cant get back when the yellow “!” still exist。i tried for many times ,all failed。
5 mins later,i sucess when the yellow“!” disappear。

I tried other situations,
1.I successfully logged on other characters of this account but failed to log on this ratting character
2.i successfully logged on another account too at the same time。
3.i attacked a player in hsc,and logged off,then i successfully logged on the character。
4.i opened my smartbomb with my siege off,get the red “!”and logged off ,then i failed to get back。3 mins later,my ship warp out ,but i failed to get back。 another 3 mins later ,my yellow “!”
disappear and my ships disappear in the space,i successfully get back

**as result,i found that you can log back in if your ship disappear in the space。when you failed to log on ,your character will appear in the local channel and send online notification to your contract friend。 i think I failed to log on in client ,but i successfully logged on in the server,i agreed with CCP Habakuk。it may be the same bug。
but i dont think it is related to pre-overheating.
all my stiuation NO overheating or Pre-overheating

I have created an alt to benefit of that extra SP. Even if it says 250,000 SP in the redeem window, I have indeed 750,000 SP on my alt now. It’s more likely to be a labelling issue than a redeem issue. Your reputation should be okay.

Glad I could help, keep us updated if you can.

The fix for this is now on Singularity and it is planned for the next patch (which should be tomorrow).

This is embarrassing. Someone got a change request to reduce HAW refire rate by 50% and just put 50% in the slot and committed it.

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What’s more embarrassing, is that someone reviewed and approved this change.
And then someone tested it and confirmed that it is working as expected.

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