[ARC] Open Letter to Case Red Gamma Taskforce

Colonel Valkanir;

At this time, does CONCORD have any information regarding the Xordahz-class World Ark vessel(s) beyond that which capsuleers have acquired and discussed at some length? If so, this information might be extremely helpful in narrowing not only the Xordahz-class’s intended purpose, but also the potential deployment zone for such vessels.

More critically, that information could help focus the research and analysis group’s efforts and help ensure that crucial elements are not missed or overlooked in a rush to piece together more obviously-notable items. This, in turn, would allow the analysis group’s findings to be more reliable and beneficial to CONCORD.

As with everyone else here, I’m hopeful that we can establish a more productive relationship than that fomented by Captain Drust.


Arrendis Culome
Director, Doctrine Design Group,