[ARC][SFRIM] Call To Aid Victims of Illegal Human Trafficking, Project to Assist Former Slaves

Oh right, only SFRIM is doing anything at all. Everyone else is just mindlessly abandoning people to die. SFRIM are the good guys.

No it’s not, and you know it.

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Deviating from the issued statement, when ARC and SFRIM are both advocating for abandoned slaves to be turned over to U’K, seems to be creating something out of nothing to perpetuate an endless debate about slavery and the Amarrian people. This is not the correct platform for said debate.


Whereupon I must answer, “That’s not the argument here, either, and you know it.”

Please, this isn’t zero sum. I think if you were to launch a broader initiative and seek wider support for this, it’d all be for the good! I’d have to consult with the other coordinators before saying, “ARC as a whole would support this,” but I know I would.

So, what it comes to is this: an Amarr organization, SFRIM, and Matari disagree on the ‘legal’ slavery thing. Nothing new there. Does this mean that SFRIM and the Matari shouldn’t both work diligently on the thing they agree on?


The “Issued Statement” might have had some worth if it wasn’t blatantly hypocrisy, given SFRIM’s stated support of the aforementioned ocean they’re currently flicking droplets out of. This is pure pandering and a public relations stunt, until SFRIM makes a real stand for or against the subject in question.

No. We do not ‘agree’ on this subject. Not while they’re this two-faced.


^ That.

And apparently the PR stunt worked.

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You realize not only will the genocide of the human race be required for you to extinguish the Idea of slavery, but you would need to be sure that humanity would never again re-emerge from the ashes. People will always seek domain over others, as you are doing right now. Seeking domain for your ideology in the minds of those who do not share in it. Is that not a form of mental enslavement what you ask?


And no, I’m not saying and have not once said that SFRIM can’t help these people - though I find it immensely suspect. But you really couldn’t find better spokespersons for freeing and helping slaves… Than people who condone and possibly practice “benevolent” slavery themselves? Really? That is, in part, what is being protested here. Would you argue in favour of Kuvakei if he offered help in this case? No? Well then.

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Khaprice Heska, whose operation I personally plan to direct as much aid to as the accountants will allow, has begun a bit of a publicity push in other arenas. I believe she doesn’t tend to be active on the IGS for what I think are obvious reasons, and I didn’t want to put undue pressure on her to post in this particular venue.

In the case of SFRIM, my understanding is that the Directrix and her pilots were going to issue a clarification on these matters given some obvious points of issue, and we decided to adjust the statement to make it a bit more representative of ARC as a whole.

Unfortunately, given the fragmented nature of loyalist organizations in the Federation and Republic, ARC hasn’t been in a position to organize an institution-level association to represent ARC’s multinational approach to these matters. Interestingly, we’d been eyeing S-IBS as a potentially appropriate partner to represent the cosmopolitan nature of our associations, but, well, S-IBS has unfortunately since folded.

However, we’re getting into the weeds on the nature of these deliberations.

The important thing remains: helping however many we can.


I sure hope so, so that none of these freed slaves will not find themselves in the involuntary service of SFRIM members in the future. Just saying.


Controlling individual pilots remains a monumental task, given the vagaries of CONCORD rules and the autonomy CONCORD affords individual pilots. I can make no promise on this, as much as I want to. Still, we’re making every effort to do this properly.

I hope that putting forward the SOE and Aesir Arcology as desirable organizations for rehabilitation and repatriation demonstrates that.


I expect someone who is sure of who they are to not need others’ validation.


At the least, I feel compelled to wish ARC the best of luck in their endeavor. I hope you somehow find it rewarding, when all is said and done.

Moitte ti anvatkaa.


As to be expected there are some that will never be satisfied…

“But illegal slave trade is happening within the Empire and you turn a blind eye to it!”

Now here we have definitive action to curb such activities and these same voices move the goal posts. I’m not surprised nor are many others in the Empire. We have our Mandate and it will be done one way or another.


Blow it out your nose, no goalposts have been moved, except your own maybe.

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Now now, my little harpy. You know as well as I do that the issue isn’t about ‘illegal slave trade happening’, but about slave trade happening. However much you want to pretend it’s not entirely sanctioned, you are well aware of what our grievance is.

Honestly didn’t expect you of all people to join in on playing pretend.


If only the rest of your hierarchy were as honest with their declarations of eternal war.


No goalpost were moved. The posts are firmly set at the complete liberation of our people and abolition of slavery in general.


I’m well aware that is your grievance, as it is with many others, but it has also been thrown at us numerous times about how we are hypocrites because nothing is done about the illegal trading. That is the point I am addressing here. We both know full well the other conversation will go nowhere.


So you’re basicly admitting that you’re just polishing your shields like we suspected.

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Thank you, ARC and SFRIM for your efforts on this matter. I will echo the sentiments of Mizhara and Tienyhr in that your support of the morally bankrupt system of slavery is immoral, however I won’t ignore more positive actions that show hope that maybe more just actions will prevail with our foe.