[ARC] Triglavian forces fighting in known space

Considering the cirsumstances (the numbers involved, etc.), the “liminal proving” designation may mean something along the lines of “testing the waters” on their end- throwing some numbers at us, seeing how well the Invasion will generally fare if they decided to prolong it.

Because unlike you, I pay my allies the courtesy of at least attempting diplomacy before quarreling in public.

Not that traditionally that works with U’K. But I figured that since it is ten years since the regime change and EM remains loyal as we always were, maybe we could finally put this old gripe behind us.

You can hardly blame us for the lack of a full-out Rebellion now.



Transcription - Credit @ Mike Anhunt:


Increasing Triglavian presence anticipated.

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Hello low power citadels!


Hopefully “Goodbye low power citadels!” :wink:


Are they calling out the empires for their lack of action?

It sounded more like they were telling us they had taken the measure of our character. Considering what many capsuleers are like, that isn’t very reassuring.

Edit: In light of the recent deployment of Triglavian world arks into K-space, I am lead to wonder why they’ve been focusing on capsuleers, rather than the forces Zorya declared “must be extirpated” like Sansha’s Nation. Are they gathering data on capsuleer strategy and tactics in preparation for their main assault forces? Considering how much it must have taken to construct the world arks it seems like an extremely expensive way to gather information, but capsuleers have pulled off enough amazing stunts that you could probably justify it by seeing precisely how they would try and destroy one.

Maybe @Perun_Clade_Koschoi could enlighten us, if they choose to.

Well-- as to Sansha’s Nation, sir, it’s possible they are in fact fighting them: not in Stain, which it seems “Master” Kuvakei has more or less abandoned, but in whatever place Kuvakei and his forces actually call home, now-- the place he launches his “incursions” from.

We haven’t been able to find it. That doesn’t mean the Triglavian Collective has any such problem.

Also possible they’re fighting in areas of the Abyss outside the proving.

In a very real way, we’re seeing only the barest outlines of the conflict between the Collective, Tyrannos, and Nation.


Well, if they know where Sansha Kuvakei is hiding and how to get there, I’d appreciate it if they would share that information with us.

There’s plenty of men and women across New Eden who would relish the chance to end him for good, and I know I’m not the only one who would sleep easier once it’s been verified he is legally, morally, ethically, spiritually, physically, positively, absolutely, undeniably, and reliably dead.


Well, latest news from the scope is pretty grim reading, but it gave me a thought.

If the triglavians are messing with the space-time continum or something could they be using those three monitors to aid evaluate them in this task. I have provided a quick run down of the monitors below:

Triglavian Entropic Monitor
“Analysis of these devices has led to great confusion amongst CONCORD scientists. It appears that the sensors that line its surface are designed to measure nothing. More precisely, the location and arrangements of negative space and null-energy zones within the surrounding system. What the purpose of this information might be is currently unknown.”

Triglavian Graviton Monitor
“Scans indicate this device is unusually simple for Trigalvian technology. It appears to be gathering gravitonic information from the surrounding system using methods very similar to those common throughout New Eden. Where it differs is that all the data gathered is being contextualized relative to apparently random coordinates in Abyssal space. Early analysis has not been able to provide any rational link between these two data sets.”

Triglavian Fermion Monitor
“Intercepted data transfers indicate that this device is gathering information on the quantum state of particles throughout the surrounding system. CONCORD researchers believe this may be an error however, as the computational power required to process such vast quantities of data is theoretically impossible.”

All very interesting, but quite beyond me and it seems a lot of scientists as well. How could we find out more? Blowing them up and looking though the wreckage I suppose,…but then I remembered my trip to the world arc and an interesting picture I took.

This is the back end of the Entropic Monitor and unlike the other two monitors it seems to have a hanger or some kind of enterance suggesting at has an interitor that is big enough to walk around in. Now I know making a suggestion like this is way above my station for someone so new to the scene, and may seem like something out of a holoreel, but… could it be boarded and captured?

It would be extrememly tricky, the monitors are tempting targets for capsuleers and it is possible that when the World Arc retreats it takes the monitors with it, but with 4 systems being invaded at the moment we may have a number of opportunities. I think the main issue is finding someone to board.

I know ARC hasn’t always seen eye to eye with CONCORD, but given how interested they are in these monitors I wonder if they would suppy keen to supply the boarders? Or maybe SOE? @ Makoto Priano

Anyway operations really arent may area of expertise, I am just throwing the idea out there. I think either way we will find out soon enough what the Triglavians are doing.


Well when you think about how we found out about the Trig, and then about the abyssal space and of the Trig existence within.

You could blame CONCORD for the invasion.

The ships entering the Abyssal space and destroying Trig ships and structures didn’t help the situation.

With all that going on for a year and then CONCORD finding a method to allow multiple ships through a single Abyssal portal just escalated things, making New Eden more visible to the Trig Nations to the point they launched scouting missions into New Eden space.

And these is history in the making…

Personally i think we’ll see a whole new region of space open up once Trig establish a good foothold in New Eden, with possiblity of new Trig corps and faction, along with more Drifter and Sleeper activity.
But that my personal thoughts of where all this is heading.

I think they’re establishing beachheads in K-space because they want to return to the “ancient domains”, probably because Abyssal Deadspace is so inhospitable. I mean, really, why would you live there unless you had no other option?

Any theories is to why the Drifters have begun an assault on null-sec structures? Is New Eden about to become a battleground between the Drifters and the Triglavians?

My suspicion is, yes. The Triglavians refer to their provings in known space as ‘liminal provings.’ Essentially, New Eden, known space, is the liminal space between Abyssal Deadspace and wormhole space. If the Drifters are staging from as-yet unidentified wormhole systems, or some place adjacent to those systems, then the battle right now may be to secure known space.

But this remains a suspicion.

In a very real way, even the Triglavians are better-understood than the Drifters.


Also the Triglavians

“a form of lasting resonance or attunement of the local space-time of the core regions of New Eden with the, so to speak, fabric of Abyssal Deadspace’s deep folds and whorls of space-time.”

Might have made it easier for the Drifter’s to breach.

True, but Drifter don’t even notice us, unless we attack them or interfere in their activities.

Well, they clearly seem to believe that pretty much everyone in nullsec is interfering with their activities now. Especially their structures.

Probably because the Triglavians have deigned to actually talk with us, and because they’ve been generous enough to let us have undamaged and fully operational examples of their technology, blueprints, and even training software compatible with our implants. Compare that to the Drifters, who have never spoken to anyone and whose technology we have to loot from the wrecks of their ships.

Hell, we’ve known about the Yan Jung, Talocan, and Sleepers for centuries/millennia at this point, but even after gaining access to Sleeper stations and Talocan derelicts in Anoikis, how much do we really know about them? It just goes to show that actually being able to communicate with someone makes it so much easier to understand them.

I can only hope that if we eventually manage to open an actual dialogue with the Triglavians they’ll be willing to tell us all about their society and history, especially their history with the Jove. I’ve always been fascinated by ancient mysteries, and I would dearly love to hear the answers to them.

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