[ARC] Triglavian Situation Unfolding - Empire Forces Under Attack

The Trigs have demonstrated that they can (and have) completely override CONCORD’s control of the fluid router system and the SCC’s control of the markets. Don’t go assuming the SCC wants to waste time trying to intervene against something when they could be spending that time analyzing and trying to trace it back to its source.


The money is far less worrying than CONCORD actively protecting the people repairing Triglavian invaders and shooting EDENCOM forces.


Fellow Capsuleers

The sun of Raravoss is now directly and visibly manipulated by the Dazh Provetium Transmuter.

Raravoss’ B0 star from about 300.000 km distance

I just want to remind that suns are the very foundation of every lifeform in the known universe. While bioadaptivity seems to allow for survival in even the harshest environments, it is quiet ignorant to accept or blindly promote the unilateral manipulation of suns, especially if driven by a hidden agenda. Even the slightest drop of luminosity, temperature, radiation, or gravity, might collapse uncountable number of biosystems. Of course we can transcend that on a larger scale. But we only have 8035 systems to live in so far. And for Trillions of people there is only one.

While the Arataka Research Consortium is trying to investigate further it seems crucial to stall the process in Raravoss and the other systems in order to buy more time for any evacuation efforts.

Haria Haritimado


Raravoss does not seem to be a particularly populated system. While I’m not advocating for giving it to the Triglavians gift-wrapped, I will say that perhaps it is not a great loss were EDENCOM to fail to hold the system.

Forgive me if I’m wrong, but I don’t believe we actually know what exactly happens to these suns once whatever the Trigs are doing to them comes to completion. While a loss is unfortunate, it could provide meaningful intel on their methods, intentions and capabilities.


That’s horrible! Are there any dense populated planets in Raravoss?
From my informations four of the planets (III,IV,V,IX) could support larger populations.

Frarn has the same type of star… I will immediatly take preparations to fortify our control tower. If something like this happened there, billions of people would be in need of rescue. I don’t even want to think about it.


We could be handling this situation with a controled experiment, either negotiating or seeing one system as test subject (making way for any population to leave safely or join it yolo mode), to better understand if there is something to be incorporated or learning how to destroy it from the root, but instead we shall continue to murder each other and making profit for lords of guns.

So many planets with incomplete terraforming that could be used to host people with confort, but…

Pew pew pew at our brothers, cousins, citizens and others.


Fellow defenders of the successive Empires,

Roundabout 20 hours ago, the clash over the Iosantin system has ended. Before that, we have seen invasions approaching Liminality end as abruptly as they began, presumably for lack of a desirable star if leading theories are to be believed.

Iosantin saw much the same thing, but rather than approaching Liminality, EDENCOM was favored in this conflict. I was personally there leading an UP5ET Corporation Succession Fleet to aid in assuring this outcome. Yet, EDENCOM has before now committed to constructing fortifications in systems where defense forces have been successful. As I have yet been unable to contact an EDENCOM spokesperson for long enough to get a clear statement on the reasons for their retreat.

If I am to speculate about their motivations, I expect them to have reached the same conclusion as we have so far; that systems without the stars sought out by the precursor enemy will likely not see an invasion going deep into Liminality and therefore be not worth the precious resources needed to fortify them.

I hope someone else may be able to shed more light on this matter.


Just a word to the wise as I see this hasn’t been mentioned in the IGS yet; the Triglavian’s roaming fleets are now podding capsuleers, as are the turrets they deploy at key sites such as jump gates. I have now been podded twice, including just when using the gate at an invasion system

With the appearance of these turrets I worry evacuating local populations during an invasion may be rather difficult without at least an escort


Blockade Runners may be the order of the day for necessary evacuations, in that case. Lower capacity, but much more reliable in terms of safe ingress and egress from zones.


Given the need of any such ship to spend time in orbit visible while civilian shuttles and such dock, I would suggest DST’s as a far superior option. Since they are already designed to accept incoming shipments while in space as well. Or a specially configured Orca.

Raravoss has reached Second Liminality, multiple Zorya vessels spotted and new cosmic anomalies sited.


Ships of all types can be configured in a multitude of ways Mr. Auscent, some even configured for atmospheric entry, if you’re willing to shell out the extra for the requisite modifications. Many vessels I have on standby for evacuations and humanitarian efforts have such modifications standard. The extra cost is negligible for the gain in operational capability.

As for a deep space transport, I’m well versed in the capabilities of both DSTs and Blockade Runners, and considering the ferocity and intensity of fighting in systems like Raravoss, the extra direct confrontation survivability a DST might provide would mean very little other than prolonging time to detonation, where as a suitably modified set of blockade runners would be the most likely to succeed option for evacuations.

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I can’t help but feel a bit pathetic. The various navies seem to be able to push the Triglavians back when they don’t receive capsuleer support. It seems as though only through the actions of the worst among us that the Triglavians can win at all.

The Triglavians are powerful, but manageable on their own. In Aldik, I spent some time looking for fights between the Triglavians and the Republic Fleet, assisting the Fleet against the Triglavians, turning what would likely have been a close battle to a one-sided affair. In Warouh, I closed conduits myself with a Harbinger by stringing them out and picking them off in order of speed. In Raravoss, I try to avoid the hordes of hostile capsuleers and find Triglavian stragglers to pounce on… but when there’s significant capsuleer support for the Triglavians it’s not enough.

The capsuleer supporters of the Triglavians seem fairly organized. When they focus on a system, they seem get strong numbers. They’re foregoing heavy support in quite a few systems and that’s led to EDENCOM establishing fortresses in several of them already. The systems they choose to focus on however, are in *deep *trouble.

I haven’t given up fighting and I’ll continue fighting the Triglavians regardless of what happens, but I feel pathetic and powerless. I’ve never been one to go easy on myself after a failure, but losing against these Triglavians with the potential stakes as high as they are… is a terrible feeling.

I can’t shake the feeling that I’m currently sitting in what is likely to be the first and unlikely to be the last system that will fall to the Triglavians. Every failure will likely mean untold amounts of death and destruction and… I won’t be able to not feel at least partially responsible.

I’m not optimistic.


Casting his sight on his realm, the Lord witnessed
The cascade of evil, the torrents of war.
Burning with wrath, He stepped
down from the Heavens
To judge the unworthy,
To redeem the pure.

- Book II, Revelations 2:12

Someone must take up the sword in this fight. There is no choice in this matter, only the assurance that destroying our enemies is a necessary duty none of us may baulk at.

Judge the unworthy.
Redeem the pure.

The Lord loosed upon them his fierce anger
All of his fury and rage.
He dispatched against them a band of Avenging Angels
- Book II, Apocalypse 10:1

Find strength. Gather allies. Become the Avenging Angel. Destroy them all.


Not empty quoting myself…


I suppose as Arsia sounds more and more like a reasonable woman, you sound more are more like Alar Chakaid.

Win some, lose some. There’s a balance in everything.


I think we are all doing what we can in these perilous times.

Far too many are doing what they can in the absolute wrong direction.

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Fellow Capsuleers

I am pleased to present a strategical expansion to the Invasion Risk Group introduced with the Triglavian Primer 4, issued by our respected pilot J. D. Stargazer.

The initial Risk Group of solar systems aimed for the predicition of high security solar systems with an elevated probability of getting targeted by the Convocation of Triglav. After observing and documenting the early days of escalation we realized that while the probability to become a target system is influenced by average constellation security ratings of around 0.5, the actual escalation happens at a faster pace in systems with a security rating above 0.75. The reason seems to be the way capsuleers interact in low and high security space and the resulting dynamics of violence thereof. Like earlier today, when a massive pro Triglavian capsuleer fleet in Raravoss got entangled in a battle with an opposing alliance.

Heavy clash of capsuleer battleship fleets in Raravoss

Of course, this is an early stage of observation and not backed up by sufficient data. But the case examples we have so far show that invaded high security systems escalate much faster towards Triglavian or EDENCOM side. Systems with (effective) low security below 0.45 are actually harder to push deeper down the path of Triglavian control. This means that in systems above 0.75, which would remain high security space even after CONCORD declares a security standing loss, Triglavian forces and especially capsuleer intervention would find it even easier and faster to push the conflict towards the triglavians. Lower security warrants slower escalation - a bit counter-intuitive.

With regard to defense priorities, systems with blue stars of A0 and B0 types and a base security rating of 0.75 or above should see top priority for defense. They are likely to escalate much faster down to Triglavian control. A quick reaction is crucial.

This is a working hypothesis but it might help to decide which system should be prioritized in coordinated defense operations. Indeed a sad day, when we have to apply triage to system defenses.


Haria Haritimado


Palmon in Essence is now rated as a Bulwark. Another blue star is close to being saved. We just need a bit more pushing to finish fortifying it against the invaders.