[ARC] Triglavian Situation Unfolding - Empire Forces Under Attack

I led a fleet tonight in Raravoss and despite our fleet managing to execute and close several conduits in the face of opposition, the pro-Triglavian forces are continuing to come down hard on the Imperial Navy. The legacy of Raravoss will be one of holding out for longer than anyone could have expected against overwhelming odds, allowing EDENCOM to secure Fortress system after Fortress system elsewhere. When Raravoss falls, which I fear is imminent, the level of danger to all other threatened systems will rapidly shoot up.

While the probable impending loss of this system to the Triglavians is devastating, we need to immediately pick up after its fall and continue to work to secure other endangered systems as quickly as we can.

I feel the most threatened and therefore highest priority systems are:
Fasse, Sinq Laison (0.4)
Almel, Placid (0.2)
Dabrid, Tash-Murkon (0.6)

So I’m interested in helping those systems. If anyone wishes for my aid with any of them (or even any other threatened system), please do let me know.


Is something coming out of it?


Was wondering if anyone has found a wormhole entrance/exit in the invading systems?

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currently locked on planet side I can only rely on what is publicly made available and my owns gravitational past studies. So take this post as an untested theory.
To answer your question I'll go back to explain the filament work, which give us a good idea on how their gates operates.
The filaments alter our warp engine to allow us to "warp" into the abyss at some pre-set coordinate.

From this we can speculate on how the abyss is organized.
For example, since the filament has mass restrictions ( like wormholes, on the other side of the scale) it's very well possible that their engines use anomaly-generators to "jump" from a pocket to another.
That would mean, like in anoikis, the deepest parts are not accessible from "normal" space but only from a pocket already inside an abyss...

or at precise points with some precise gravitational variables.

Blue suns are unstables, their production of energy is extremely powerful. but with a gravitation manipulation of extreme precision, you could turn this energy into mass (hence the darker color of the sun).
And with that, larger ships can come from the deepest parts of the abyss.

On an another note, maybe this process already happened in distant past, and could very well be the origin of the “pink star anomaly”.

It’s all conjectures at this points, but it follow all known observations.

I’m very much interested in this too.

IF my theories are correct, we should see minimal Wh activity, outside artificial wh.


Thank you all for reporting and sharing your thoughts.

I definitely probed down wormhole connections out of invaded systems over the past six days. The one I remember specifically were C2 and I believe a C3 connection. The C2 was in Raravoss, but not after the Second Luminality hit the system. So, there was no wormhole in Raravoss over the past two days, I would say (I havn’t checked right now). Sadly, I don’t have further detailed information.


I can confirm that there are no Wormholes in Raravoss.

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Kinda makes sense that they would interdict WH since it is the prefered method of transportation for the Drifters.

But… how?

Does it affect natural wh as the ones used by Stargates?

If my theories are correct, then the short answer is yes

the long answer is here

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Mrs. Tsukiyo

From my understanding it would not be very intuitive and in line with what we know about wormholes if the sun manipulation would cut off wormhole connections. And as I was just about to summon Dr. Fallenstar he just appears! With increase of sun mass, wormhole connectivity should rather increase than decrease.


Haria Haritimado

if my theories are corrects, it’s not the case.

The fact that energy is transmuted into mass, it reduce the energy/mass ratio, decreasing the likeness of seeing the apparition of a WH.

I’m not very good at explaining things but I’ll try:

for a wormhole to appear you mainly need 2 things:

  • a location stable enough in gravitational term.
  • an energy/mass ratio > 0.5 (“normal” ratio)

Since energy and mass are linked, by transforming energy into mass, the triglavian are not changing the gravitation of systems but the ratio. making it easier for them to navigate, and harder for us.

This lead to many consequences:

  1. The amount of energy to initiate a jump by stargate would be increased dramatically.
  2. The amount of energy needed by our capacitor to warp could also be increased (that should be easy enough to test, with the risk for the difference on such small scale not being visible)
  3. possible “lag” on the fluid routers
  4. decrease of naturally spawning number of Wh
  5. increase in mutaplasmid stability

and other minors effects

I hope I’m clear enough.

Pedagogy is not really my field.


Well I got to hand it the Amarr Navy for their efforts in Raravoss; which may seem an odd thing to hear from a Gallente, but these are trying times. Despite the expulsion of most Pro-Edencom Calsuleers and the presence of a massive Pro-Triglavian host including personnel from powerful Nulsec alliances; the Amarr Navy has held steadfast for nearly an entire week. Every time it looks like Edencom will be pushed out, the Navy pushes back.

For Capsuleers that are used to being thought of as the creme dela creme, it is humbling to see non-capsuleers take the forefront.

Unfortunately, it looks like the system will fall eventually, not though a defeat by combat but seemingly by the Triglavian’s Stellar manipulations. I can only hope that their sacrifice has bought enough time to evacuate the civilian population


So it appears we have for now 4 methods of navigation:

  • Jump Gates (low energy, no fuel, natural wh, fixed location)
  • Jump Drives (high energy, individual fuel, created wh(?), mobile location)
  • Worm Holes (Ask Jove, Sansha, Drifters)
  • Abyssal Conduits (Ask the Triglavians)

All of them dependant on gravitational manipulation, some with tools we do not have or do not understand.

Well, the more the merrier.

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Star gates and jump drives are actually also based on Wh connexion. It simply is a “very short lived” and completely artificial one.

As for the Wh generation tech owner we know of, there is also concord (granted, they got it from the joves).

I guess you could also add the talocan and yan jung, even if it’s only archaeologically.

The base principle is the same for Wh and conduits : transportation of a complex entity from point A to point B

The true difference being that one use energy as a medium and the other mass.

In both case when you reach a point far enough off the “average” on the energy/mass scale, coordinates have little importances.
(to keep things simple, because if in theory, getting to another system is simple, actually making the translation without ending up inside a sun or other body is a lot more difficult)
EDIT:: that’s why both jump drives and gates need a “destination point”

EDIT2:: keep in mind that it is all based on my theory who is only that: a theory.
for now she hold what we know but it could change.

I’m no fan of the Empire, and I would not go there myself, but I have hired mercenaries to assist EDENCOM in defense of various Amarrian systems, and from the video feed and action reports I’ve seen, I will give praise to the Imperial Navy. They are certainly taken with a willingness to fight and sacrifice their lives in defense of their nation.

Update on current status in Raravoss:

So, that’s a thing. The “red spot” visible in other images appears to be the point where the beam from the Dazh Porevitium Transmuter strikes the stellar surface, seen here.

As you can see, material from the star is apparently being drawn back along the beam towards the transmuter. There’s quite a long ribbon of it in fact.

The flow’s not so readily visible from near the transmuter itself, maybe because it’s relatively diffuse and kind of disappears into the overall shine (this is still a star after all).

I’d speculate that the beam from the transmuter is primarily responsible for the changes in the star, while the lattice under construction in front of it may serve as a “catch” for the stellar material flowing back along the beam. If accurate, it appears to be a mining process similar in principle to techniques used by our own mining lasers: a beam to dislodge desired material; tractor effects to draw it in.


Does CONCORD generate their own wormholes yet?

Do we have comprehensive info on their navigational methods available other than their knowledge of advanced gravitronic technology and force field theories ?

well, they are the one controlling the star gates and given the large efforts taken by the joves to ensure the autonomy of CONCORD, as well as the ability of concord to transports vast amount of resources across it’s border. It’s a safe bet in my opinion.

Since I’ve studied more the talocans than yan jung I’ll speak for this one at least:
based on their technology level, nomadic culture AND the fact that most talocan sites are found either with rifts or unstables wormholes. I also think it’s safe to assume they had what it needed to open ones.

And like I was saying, for me,

so maybe the talocan could use both the abyss and the wh, in either case, I think It’s safe so say they could do it.

As everything in archaeological research, we can almost never know “for sure”.

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Further update: I think I figured out what they’re doing. These images are from the side of the transmuter opposite the star.

See that orange light there on the pedestal on the left? Check this out:

Pilots? I think they’re harvesting the star to build singularity power cores.

As a note, the third pedestal, far right, hasn’t been active since I’ve been watching. I don’t think it’s at full operational capacity yet. Probably it won’t be until they finish building that lattice.

But, probably, that’s what it’s for: building micro-singularities, which are then drawn away through what seem to be small, tightly-controlled wormholes to points unknown. The star’s being harvested for Triglavian power sources.


I believe you are correct, Aria. I have been watching the Dazh Porevitium Transmuter since early this morning, and arrived at a similar conclusion. I suspect that, should this system fall and its construction be complete, we would see all three “pedestals” operational and creating their micro-singularities. If you are correct in your belief that the apparatus surrounding the beam is a catch for stellar mass–and I believe you are–then it is likely that once it is completed, the stellar harvesting may grow both much faster and much more efficient. I do not care to speculate on what the effects on the system and its star may be at that stage.


The entire cluster is clashing over a glorified minning operation.