Unlike federals, we don’t live in the past. We are the most progressive nation of New Eden. Our technology, engineering and science is better than anyone else’s. Our management and organization is the most efficient among all other known schemes (otherwise we would use them instead meritocracy). We take and use only the best, and we develop it to be even better. That is why we have, for example, meritocracy instead of imerial rule or that archaic degraded form of governing like democracy - because meritocracy is the most efficient. And we like to be the best. We look forward, not backwards, and we will build the bright future for Caldari children.
You always make me smile my Caldari friend.
Of course you think that your way of life is the best and I have to admit that a meritocracy may look quite tempting at first. But who determines who and what is the best? The Caldari people or the mega-corporations?
The relationship between humans and power is like that of a moth and a lightbulb. They stick together till the end and Caldari are no exception in that regard. It doesn’t take many people to change your idealistic idea of a merit driven society into an oligarchy and that’s what you are living in.
A nation ruled by corporations, who abusing their own kind as cheap labor like slaves with the promise of a better life.
Why do you think the Amarr do like the Caldari that much? Slaves will always yearn for their freedom. It needs resources to control them and keep them from running away. You don’t need that with Caldari. Just tell them about their glorious future if they only work hard enough and voila, we have the Caldari State.
Considering the quality of life for the poor in the Federation, it’s a tad ironic to call Caldari slaves.
In a democratic society, who determines who and what is best? The people, or the media?
That’s what your argument sounds like.
And it’s still a better fate than living in the State. - They just have to work harder, trying to be better. Sounds familiar huh?
The people of course.
If some poor minded individuals think, that the media’s who constantly exaggerating things for their viewing figures, making things worse as they are, are a good source of making their own opinion, then it’s their right to do so.
The State was founded on that principle that M. Sobaseki stated in his speech: it is mega-corporations who represent Caldari People. Thus “or” in such question does not have meaning: Caldari People and Mega-Corporations are the same thing.
As for who determines who and what the best, of course not people, but the Most Merited of the people, most wise, most educated, those, who were trained to make analysis and make these conclusions. For example, Caldari janitors have no say in these matters, as they clearly have no idea what would be best for Caldari people, even if they are part of Caldari people.
And yet another misconception: I think that our way of life is the best not because it is just our way of life, but because we have choosen to make our way of life the best. We forge our way ourselves. And if there is a better way - we will change our to use it.
To be honest, it’s better if a megacorporation will abuse the power, the people who got trained to lead and manage, rather than some sort of cook, who got that power to abuse just because he was elected into power by grey dumb cattle mob called ‘electorate’.
That is a dangerous misconception. It is criminals, who yearn for their freedom, not slaves. Slaves… slaves just yearn to become masters to have their own slaves. Please don’t depict slaves as some sort of evil freedom cultists. Even if there are many terrorists, who cry like braindead zealots, that they need freedom, it doesn’t mean slaves want this.
All that political babble makes me sleepy, I go and get myself a Quafe! You want one too?
Thank you, but i’d better drink concentrated sulfuric acid.
Your choice but that doesn’t sound healthy.
Please excuse me, but considering it was Quafe, it didn’t sound healthy either!
Hehe how true. Then one glass acid for me too, my new clone is already waiting for me anyway. - Bye bye tattoo, it seems I’ll have soon space for a new one.
Oh, gods, don’t do that, pilot. . . .
(I hope you’re joking, because sometimes people are. But sometimes people aren’t, and that’s a bad enough way to die that it hurts thinking about it.)
So … to the rest …
Ms. Deva, something I’m not sure you’re quite understanding is that your proposed solutions to the tensions between the Federation and State have a history. And, it’s a pretty bitter history. To Caldari ears, it sounds an awful lot like, “Just admit you’re wrong and surrender, and everyone will be happy!”
Patriotic Caldari sometimes compare this to the Amarrian Reclaiming: “Fall on your knees and let us all be united in one glorious Empire under God!” It’s not just a rhetorical cheap shot. They really do see one form of conquest as equivalent to the other: the result, either way, is the destruction of the Caldari culture and way of life. Only, actually, for the Caldari, the Gallentean willingness to approach things through diplomacy, cultural exchange, and buckets of earnest goodwill, is actually a scarier thing than Sarum militarism. It comes across as manipulative.
Seriously, you’d have better luck trying this sort of thing with the Amarr. They at least are likely to welcome a chance for exchange and debate, especially with someone a little less angry than some of the people they normally talk stuff over with. Also, the more peace-oriented Amarr tend to accept the concepts of “Pax Amarria”-- attempting to spread their ideas through reasoned discourse rather than sword and laser. They’re also less inherently hostile to attempts to unite the cluster.
The Amarrian loyalists’ channel for public discussion and education is “The Good Word”. You’d be welcome, there, I’m sure.
Ahahah, don’t worry. The last time I got a new clone body, after that accident - I don’t wanna talk about! - there was that creep at that medical facility who always stared at my body. Disgusting. I’m not very keen to see that guy again or HE will need a new body next time! But I digress.
That’s the problem with those patriotic Caldari, seeing every change and anything that isn’t like them as a threat. Or do the Megacorp CEOs fear to lose their powers over “their” people?
Of course the Caldari can be Caldari within the Federation. Without the need to constantly fight against their friends, they even would have more time to mourn their sad past. Being more Caldari than ever!
And regarding those people who need slaves to feel themself superior, it’s sad to see some Caldari going down onto their level, cooperating with them.
K, so, this, not productive if you are really aiming for what you claim to be.
If you’re trolling, well done?
If you want to talk about it I don’t mind at all. Hi! State kinda-sorta self-imposed exile living in the Empire here. (The State as a whole is pretty friendly with the Empire, though.)
Sorry, but I was here to commemorate the losses of the Caldari Prime Battle. To the victims of both sides! And to remind that we, despite our differences, never should stop trying to find a way to live in peace together.
It’s the Caldari who constantly lament about how evil the others are, how hard it is to forgive them and that everything of course is only the fault of the Federation. Something that reminds me more on a stubborn child than a nation that wants to be taken serious.
But okay, it’s in the Caldari culture to strive for being the best. Congratulation, the Caldari are the best in being the victims!
And now what? How long do they want to continue with that? For ever? Because it’s in their culture to be mad at the Federation?
Please let them get a new hobby. How about being the best in making peace? - The good way with words and without causing more pain which only they have to bear!
Ms. Deva, let me spell this out.
These two sentiments are in tension. Paragraph 1 yearns for peace. Paragraph 2 is why you do not, and will not, have peace. I barely consider myself Caldari (half-Civire cultural Achur living mostly in Tash-Murkon space), but those words make even me bristle.
I do have enough distance on it to identify the Caldari attitude as driven in part by an inferiority complex-- it was your ancestors who uplifted theirs. That’s something that they can’t forget. Being looked down on, viewed as backwards savages … that’s something they can’t forget, either.
The Caldari take a deep pride in who they are, and have been. If you can’t respect that pride, then you’ve given them something to prove to you, and to themselves:
That they’re stronger than you, fitter than you, better prepared to do what they must to survive; that the growing season won’t last, winter will come even for the Federation, and they will be ready where you will not-- even if they have to bring winter to your door themselves.
The Caldari are survivors with a deep sense of wounded pride. Your mockery only stiffens their resolve, their determination to hold onto what they are sure makes them strong, to remain who they are.
If this is your attitude, then, yes, they’ll probably stay angry forever. You keep giving them fresh reason to be angry with you.
Technically speaking, every Megacorp employee fears to lose their position in the same megacorp, it extends from janitor to CEO. Our Megacorps function that way, that every citizen WANTS to be part of one, and wants to climb as high in the corporate ladder as possible (well, strictly speaking, you have to be employee of a corporation to get citizenship in the first place).
But once you’re in, you get everything. Transport, living conditions that get better the higher you climb, medical services, education, entertainment, marriage services, food - basically, Megacorps provide you with everything you will need or want (of course if it is legal).
As for the “powers” - I don’t think employees (including CEO) have much “powers”, they mostly have just duties and responsibilites. What makes them fight for their position is privileges, services and commodities they will be able to earn.
Good that I live in the Federation, what allows me to have everything you mentioned without being in a Megacorp.
There, fixed that for you
Oh, thank you! ^^
Always a pleasure to be of service ( when it’s not expected of you by a MegaCorp of course…)