Then tell me, who salvages virtually every day, both my own and ninjas others, what it is Ive got wrong?
I do. Some rookies do. Since we are talking about a feature that removes the moronic time loss of going from wreak to wreak. Your arrogance and spam is not welcome here. You explained your opinion some messages ago, just leave to topic of you have nothing new. Thanks
You rudeness and laziness blinds you to how others would use this to exploit you.
But according to you I have nothing to add, so I have no need to explain it to you, but let me assure you: this will not be a thing.
If you thought about it for five seconds instead of greedily covetting others rat trash then youd be able to work it out.
Its called an MWD, BTW
When we’re at it you may also mention that it is called wreck not “wreak”.
As for the subject, if someone doesn’t manually abandon their stuff they won’t do it with an auto-abandon feature either because it is a deliberate choice of theirs for one reason or another (see my earlier post) thus only a small minority may use this feature who are too lazy and/or always forget to use a right click then a left click to abandon all nearby wrecks before they leave the site. I think there is even a keyboard shortcut they could set to do it though not 100% sure about that, either way I don’t see many people not doing it because they are too lazy / forget, instead most decide not to and this feature would not change that decision.
My question is: why you don’t want this feature?
My rudeness, yeah right becouse i called you an idiot or lazy. Man get a life instead of flooding this thread. This is my last answer to ya
And still you dont actually want to discuss why this idea isnt going to work. (Next time just put: “dont reply if you disagree. Yes men wanted only” at the top of your post)
If you object to being called lazy that your problem, but really, asking to have this put in is just that.
Tell me: What happens to the loot your MTU is dragging in?
I didn’t say I am against it or don’t want it in the game, you asked if wasn’t it nice to have it and to that my answer is no because it is pointless and most probably will be under-used, though despite not being outright against it I also find it pointless to implement still so even in a general sense I say why bother so for that a no as well, though if implemented I see no issue with it either.
Already explained in my posts why but in short anyone who actually wants to abandon wrecks can do so with a few clicks so the only ones not doing it are either lazy or forget to or both, thus it is easy to approximate that there would be a minor amount of people actually using it if any, thus it is a waste of dev time and resources to implement it.
Exactly this ^^
Well i see. I also still see yellow wrecks laying around every site and i can’t pick up becouse it isn’t a well spent time.
But well, we will see
You’ll never get eve players to agree, even if they don’t care about the loot or salvage they don’t want anyone to have it, strangely, oddly, it doesn’t make any sense but there’s something about the human psyche that makes them either greedy (at first), or unhappy that someone else is profiting (from them as if it’s a loss), if only CCP would allow blue wrecks to to scannable for people to find because hey you are abandoning it OR allow us players who wish to be nice guys drop a becon of sorts once we blue it.
Now THOSE are good ideas
You still ignore what others already pointed out and is obvious even without them pointing it out. You wouldn’t see considerably more blue wrecks even if this feature was implemented because most people make a deliberate choice when not abandoning their wrecks, it is already trivial and minuscule effort to abandon wrecks so it is not the lack of auto-abandoning which prevents the majority from abandoning the wrecks.
I would feel compassion for you if your reasoning for requesting the feature would be because you always forget to abandon wrecks yourself and this feature would help you out. I would still suggest to put some effort into making it a habit to abandon manually just as you should make it a habit to recall drones before you warp off or bookmark sites plus each pocket and especially wormholes before and after you enter them instead of requesting an auto-bookmark feature.
But as your reasoning is greed and the false hope of more loot to harvest I have no compassion for your reasoning. Work for your stuff as everyone else. Furthermore as explained this feature most probably would not even fulfill your reasoning for wanting the feature in the first place, if your reasoning was what I detail in the previous paragraph, sure I might be able to get behind that, but greed and wishful thinking with a false premise is not something that will enable me to get behind your feature idea.
It makes perfect sense to be honest, it is their wreck field that they have created and they own it, self entitled greedy people who think they own the wreck field instead and should decide its fate instead of the owner who created it just deters people from wanting to abandon because barely anyone would feel like supporting self-entitled greedy people who even start moralizing and judging others for not treating the wreck field they created the way it benefits them.
On the other hand I agree with your suggestion, scanning blue wrecks would greatly help salvagers AND those who want to share the salvage. So +1 for that concept I can get behind that.
And for the same reason +1 to the beacon idea as well which would make it even easier and efficient to share loot. I think the beacon idea would be the better solution.
Knew you would be the author of this thread as soon as I saw the title!
Hei, just wanna tweak the mechanics for my salvage operations
Anyway, even if few would use the option. Someone would. That is worth it for me.
But what happens to the yellow loot?
(See below)
Yeah, and that is the real problem right? I would be ok with a change that you can tractor wrecks if you go suspect.
Strangly enough it’s your choice to abbandon the wreck isn’t it?