Avatar Gameplay Polls and Discussion - WiS & Beyond

We’re working on it!

As previously stated, I have never used an alt to vote.

You accuse me of cheating, then prove it.

The validity of the anonymous poll can be verified by moderators I believe (and I cannot control how people have voted there), but this is all getting too annoying already.

You are the most frequent poster in this thread, keeping saying that the avatar gameplay idea has been bad before, which was never the case, and you say it is bad now, which is not the case either, based on almost every participant’s opinion in this thread and you never elaborated on your arguments, thus just repeating the mantra “It is a bad idea!”. If you have arguments that go further, then post them.

I see you have a living interest in silencing this topic, that, as it seems, goes beyond what an average player/game fan would have. And I believe the topic cannot be closed, based on a single person’s loudly voiced opinion.


Moreover, the second poll, the public one, that I created, just to respect your argument, has pretty much the same results in percentage.

In any way, you have made this topic so toxic, that I really prefer it to be closed.

Nothing he sad was toxic. Nothing.
The truth isn’t toxic.
He might be wrong about it, or he might not, but it’s not ■■■■■■■ toxic.

You came here regularly to have this thread stay open, knowing that no one actually gave a single flying ■■■■ about it. Dare I say that makes you look rather suspicious. You also lied about how you care about the topic, yet you posted literally NOTHING in here for three months, TWICE, just so it doesn’t get closed.

To add to this, you make yourself look like you just want to put the blame on him,
while you actually want this thread to be locked anyway.

I suggest you leave gracefully.

If I did not care about the topic, I would let it close. I revived it because I care. Where is the lie in that?

I explicitly stated that RL has prevented me to review and post frequently, and the details are connected to a simple life struggle for finding a job, which is ongoing, coupled with health related stuff, that is not a matter of this thread. So I still care about this topic and my arguments stand.

You and Salt accuse me of lying and cheating. I am sure every reader here can assess the matter at hand and see if this has merit.

My intention was to ask a simple question, based on the recent Scope video and see if anyone is excited about the animated avatar appearance in the video. If no one wants to discuss that, I will assume the topic is concluded.

We had that once in the past.

I don’t remember the details, but that character died for some reason.

To be fair, there’s little point rehashing old arguments unless there’s something new to contribute.

The good news is that, as Veskin said in his post this morning, the latest CSM minutes and the latest Scope News video do exactly that, and we now have something new to discuss :slightly_smiling_face:

Of course, CCP making use of animated characters in video content is not new, and they did it for multiple release trailers.

However, in the wake of the buyout by Pearl Abyss (whose other major MMO is noted for it’s avatars and high quality character creation), that CCP have expanded their use of animated characters and rather than reserve them for high profile trailers, and are now including them in their in-universe / lore related news broadcasts could be significant.

It could be significant, because the most recent example helped to bring to life an established denizen of New Eden, and potentially appeals to to a section of the player base that might be more inclined to be in support of avatar game play. Maybe.

But, animated characters in a Youtube video is not EVE Online gameplay. It’s not even in-game.

Well, Veskin also pointed to the CSM minutes. CCP is looking at animating various NPCs such as mission agents and Aura, and this comes after relatively recent improvements to the avatar animations in the character creator/editor.

Of course, this is not gameplay either, but it points to a general broad theme which is that it is clear that CCP maintains some level of character animation development, both ingame and in their video content.

Yes, EVE Online is a game about spaceships, and there’s no denying that that remains at the absolute core of the game.

The question then, is why CCP finds it appropriate to invest the money and the time and effort of their art teams on avatar animations, and what potential that offers the game in the future?


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