Background in "Ship fitting" are changed

Hi there!
Can anyone tell me why the bacground in fitting tab are changed from light (clouds) to very dark clouds !?

I think it’s begun after i test the Photon UI (in that stage hate that!)

looks like this:

No one has got this issue ?

What i must do to get previous background ?
Reinstall game or reinstall windows !? :smiley:

I have reinstalled the game and nothing changed ! Same dark background!

Also i have been delete catalogue “CCP” at “AppData\local”

Why !?

Why not like this !?


I tell your more, all nebulas in the space looks like this for me (Amarr space):

Whats wrong !?

I found dark matter in EVE !

Is there anybody here ?

I finally solve this problem !
Reinstalling video driver worked for me !

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