Balancing Hi-Sec Freighter Bump Mechanics

You are a waste of time cause you dont read and see the arguments from others … you are the only troll here

Bump Tackling as it is called is the same thing as warp scrambling a ship. The only difference is that Bump Tackling does not incur a penalty or criminal flag when committed in High or Low Sec. Both Bump Tackling and Warp Scrambling render the ship unable to warp. Otherwise the gankers wouldn’t be using bump tackling if they weren’t trying to keep the ship from entering warp,

You can still warp if you’re bumped…

no Need to say this cause the dont want to accept this fact …

Amazing that it can be used to prevent warp for literally hours then, isn’t it.

If you say that, you don’t understand the basic physics behind EVE :joy:

Oh welp, poor thing

Do you have a verified case where someone went over even 30 minutes or are you just making up extremes?

There is clearly a great deal you don’t understand about EVE, game design, balance, and basic reading comprehension.

Oh welp, poor thing. Bless your heart.

Another version of the lie.

Bumping and tackling are not the same.

The tackle warp scrambles the ship.

Bumping does not, are you mistaken or misleading?

Then explain them to me O’ Great Shaman :joy:

I know those mechanics by heart youngling
You have nothing to teach me but lies :wink:

Ah ok. So can you clarify how what you wrote is the reason CCP chose to make the mechanics are the way they are?

incorrect. You can still warp while being bumped. The direction in which you can warp is limited, but you can still warp. This is different than that of being warp scrambled. You cannot use your warp drive at all when scrambled.

This only happens, when I, or someone like myself, bumps a freighter. Bumping is a mechanic with a lot of nuance to it. The skill difference between hauler and bumper is what lets the bumper bump for hours.
Also you have to consider, that the bumper needs to manually bump every few seconds for the entire span of time that he is keeping the freighter there. Its a very skill intensive activity. You have to be constantly paying attention to what you do


The is an MMO game…you know Massivly Multiplayer Online game. You could…ask a buddy.

Heh…so now that we have established you are a hypocrite…

No it isn’t. “The mechanic” is used precisely because of cargo value in the vast majority of cases.

Yes, and freighters we designed that way on purpose.


Uhhmmm is it just me or did Castiel351 just make the following:

  1. Ganking is rare for the good pilot.
  2. There already exists ways to avoid bumping in game, even with a loot pinata?

Anyone else seeing this?

What in the honest ■■■■? I think bumping fine…so naturally I think Hitler is a saint?

You know what I find amazing is that Mike et. al. don’t ask the obvious question…

@Siegfried_Cohenberg has anyone gotten away from you while you were bumping them and how did they do it? Has anyone successfully used a interceptor to get ahead of the bumper/bumpee and allow the freighter to warp off?

I’ve had people get away while bumping them before. Some used bookmarks, a few used interceptors, some people just warped because of my incompetence in keeping them bumped. The skill difference is what determines if the freighter stays put or gets away.


Thanks for the reply.

Only if you’re saying “It’s an activity I’m doing so it’s fine”.
And at the same time trolling people who affirm there is an issue. But that goes without effort for you. </ poke>

Teckos things anything is fine, so long as his opposition explodes. He isn’t the slightest bit interested in balance, he is only moved by the Goon Party line, no matter how ridiculous or unsupported.

Scramblers and bumping are directly equivalent when the discussion is about using either to keep a ship out of warp.

The details of circumstance change, but the fact is that bumping is used as tackle, and tackle should be considered hostile, with appropriate consequences.

Even the point about a scrambler making your ship unable to use warp drive is false. You can fit warp core stabilizers and still warp. A module to counter bumping being used as tackle would be directly analogous.

Its asinine the level of dishonesty and vitriol being directed at the idea by it’s detractors— The proposal is extremely generous and a huge compromise on the side of the Hauler to even consider.

They’re not directly equivalent. A ship can warp at any time while being bumped. They dont need any extra modules to do so, unlike in the example you provided in the case of scramblers interacting with warp stabilizers.

tackle is considered hostile, you go criminal when you activate a warp scrambler or disrupter module on someone else in highsec when neither parties are at war, in the same corp, or engaging a suspect.

Bumping is not tackle.

No one is being dishonest here. It is not my fault that a hauler is incompetant and can’t warp away if I decide to bump him for 12 hours straight.

No dishonesty?

How about trying to redefine tackle so that it only includes scramblers. I suppose disruptors too.

Tackle has been defined forever as the act of holding a ship in place, especially out of warp. That says nothing about the necessity of it being a scrambler or disruptor. It generally also includes webs which don’t keep you out of warp, but I guess you want to ignore that too since it’s inconvenient to your narrative. Even most of the people on your side of the debate accepted that before they realized their mistake.

You are holding a ship in place, particularly out of warp, when you use bumping to prevent a ship from aligning.

With a scrambler you can fit WCS to offset the effect and still warp away.

The proposal seeks to allow the same, only mounted on an escort ship, and gives you a 5 minute window, and does not even call concord. Very generous.

I dont think it is generous. Its my god (James 315) given right to bump freighters. If I have 3 bumpers active, and we have 3 targets bumped. We should be able to continually bump all of them until the gank team can kill all 3 after waiting out 30 minutes of criminal timers.

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