Bastions of War

TBH its about time they should. Tweaking something relatively new but not explaining because of gaming reasons is one thing but manipulating the figures on years-old content in a seemingly cackhanded manner, one has to ask why the reason hasnt been given. Im gettin really bored of CCP Feltlikeit


Sure it does, if you fit it properly and buy the implants, they never claimed they would make it work without you having to do anything

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… which would be a fair and reasonable suggestion if the other three hulls in the class needed a set of similar isk value because of their changes. And if that had been the case ccp would be reworking them right now because this thread would be about all 4 instead of 1.


CCP: “What’s a Paladin?”

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My … High-sec PVE Sniper Paladin Fit … that is no longer Cap-stable.

Edit.: I think “pyfa-v2.34.0” have not yet implemented all the changes …

Edit.: Yep … that’s right … it’s no longer Cap-stable.

Edit.: And these 6m of Cap is an assumption … that you are starting the combat with 100% cap … something that hardly occurs because you got there spending cap with Warp and often having to reposition yourself with the MWD.

No, the correct bonuses are there, its no longer cap stable, you’ll need rapture implants for that or a modified fit

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Not cap stable, but runs more than long enough for high-sec pve.

My Internet and Energy Provider, go down from time to time … and the Bastion Module doesn’t allow the ship to warp-out wen the connection goes down … so I need a Cap-Stable Fit to not lose my Ship to the NPCs.

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That is unfortunate.

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Let’s wait and see … there are some people thinking that CCP will soon change the Marauders again … because they think that 2x DPS is too OP …

now post the pic of the golem with more dps ehp cap stable with a big ass xlarge shield booster :smiley:

Well I just checked mine, 57 minutes running in combat

Golem, Paladin?
Note that time will be less than most calculators say btw because of peak recharge rates and cap being used in chunks.

In game time for Paladin

Unless you are including the ingame simulatior as one of the “most calculators”? (I honestly dunno if it is)

I think in game they also use an estimate rather than a perfect modelling. I mean it is still going to be somewhat accurate, but at a certain point it will drop below the peak recharge point and not recover fast enough, so it will be like a Cellphone battery, the first 30 minutes will follow the predicted pattern, then suddenly the last 10 minutes will vanish in no time at all. The longer the time it gives the more likely you are to see a dive off at the end that is noticeable.
Or of course you skip one repair cycle to let it recover and you are good for another 10 minutes on something like that.

But the basic principle comes down to, Can we compensate for the cap loss, sure, but it is a Nerf applied to the Paladin when no nerf got applied to the other 3 Marauders, and the Paladin was not superior before this.


That is how I am feeling on the matter also.

Though I think Navy Beams should do this sort of output regardless, but thats just me.

The problem was that there were people (myself included) that pointed out that the RoF buff was a nerf for the pally - the pally would need (an additional) buff to cap use on guns to make it not piss capacitor out the window. I think they took that to mean to change the buff to replace its old one – or they could just be being vengeful jerks for calling them out on yet another nerf to laser platforms and gave it exactly the ‘buff’ we asked for (knowing we meant ‘in addition’).

I actually wanted to see a damage% buff instead of RoF buff. But here we sit… Now you can kill a pally by just thinking bad thoughts about its cap, no neut needed


Paladin probably still have the fastest clear times thou with a good fit and a little bling.

Capacitor per shot is the same or better. Yeah you burn through cap more, but you’re burning through enemies even faster.

Disconnects is one thing, but not nerfed.

I hope so, even though i just bought one.

If they reduce the RoF, then at least people won’t be worried about paladins.

Rate of fire is doubled and capacitor requirement per shot is halved - agree, no nerf there.

Capacitor capacity is reduced by 20% - seems like one helluva nerf to me…

Yes you can burn through enemies faster but, when a lot of the npcs these ships are supposed to kill bring neuts, the Paladin is now incredibly vulnerable compared to the other marauder hulls.