Bastions of War

At this point I really don’t know why they just don’t shut them down, after all they are cutting costs and corners in other places, imagine the savings they could make.


Bastions “of War” is redundant.

The only purpose to building one is due the perceived threat of warfare.

Thats why a bastion of peace is a metaphor, but a bastion of war is like a car of transport.

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I’m glad CCP can at least comment on threads on reddit. Whew, lad.

It’s really amazing how CCP manages to disappoint so much with such a tiny, lazy ballance chane.
Doubleing HS mission runners income while also making Marauders even more worthless for PVP and elegantly enshureing that using them for Nullsec PVE stays but a fancy way to make a stupid looking killmail.

Perfectly in line with all the other lazy changes, allways making for easyer ganks, promoting cowardess over everything else, punishing people for being dumb enough to provide the targets for hunters.

Noone will even be dumb enough to engage a target like this with anything other then a blob of bombers.

Can’t wait for the excitement of chaseing solo and small gang ESS hunters away and spending the next half hour slow boating out of the bubble.

With the increased Sensor Strength, now Marauders with Bastion active and ECCM scripted Sensor Booster can achieve extremely high sensor strength, making them almost impossible to probe down even with Dedicated T2 ships like Covert Ops and full set of Implants.
I strongly doubt that is an intended change.
Will there be something like a reduced Sensor Strength Bonus (currently 1000%) from the Bastion module?

I mean, hurting krabbing is always part of the design goal, this shouldn’t come as a surprise to people

Because threads don’t stay active on reddit for more than 48h max, so this way they can drop an item last thing Friday, completely ignore all the feedback over the weekend and pretend it doesn’t exist when they get back in the office Monday morning.


Of course the damage buff is nice, that is the wrapping on the present. Inside, however, is a marauder that is now even easier to gank. Just neut the sucker…
If anything, this change has made it even more risky to fly one of these.

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Im no expert but with the increased DPS and reduced “siege” time these things would be nasty if you can hotdrop them.

If you can hot drop em these will be amazing.

hey, yeah i came here to say pretty much the same thing. Lasers are very cap hungry and I’ve only recently got myself into a Paladin. i built it quite nicely and made it just cap stable… looking on SiSi right now and it deals more damage, but its nowhere near cap stable now with my fit: which is a problem. CCP should reconsider the change to accommodate the cap usage somehow with current fits. Adding a Med slot may help, but I think adding cap usage bonus to the bastion would be more effective. Also, I would like to point out that there is a graphical issue with the change in ROF: as the guns cant keep up, they cycle 5 times and graphics only display firing 3 times. I’m sure many would consider this minor, but it just ruins the immersion IMO.
Oh and Right now on SiSi bastion module cycles 30 seconds, not 90 or 60. which is a welcome change
EDIT: right so i’m getting 2 cycles of my guns, and guns only display firing on 1. so it looks like Fire on cycle 1, invisible damage on cycle 2… and repeat

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wow… honestly I thought there was a neut resistance modifier on the bastion… turns out not… but there is resistance to TP, Sensor damp and ECM… how very curious…
so this basically puts the Vargur in top position, right?
I’m no expert either tbh… pretty new to marauders.

This is really confusing. The original announcement said it was 90s. Did CCP change their mind or is this just a convenience change on SISI for people to test the module without having to spend 90s each time they activate it?

Good question, but i’m not sure…
I think the 90 sec idea was bad though… it would be annoying to have to wait for
60 is acceptable, 30 is better. “less wasted time buff” yes please! lol
the final product of what gets transferred to Tranq may be different yet.

That was the original change, but the link to the HAC mwd changes also includes an update to what they changed after getting feedback from reddit. (see below)

  • Bastion module duration set to 30s (was 90s)
  • Paladin bonus to capacitor pool changed to large energy turret activation cost reduction (10% per level)
  • Kronos base capacitor changed to 8000
  • Kronos recharge rate changed to 1050000
  • All marauder target range increased by 30%
  • All marauder sensor strength increased by 8

I’m on SiSi right now with my Paladin, and it has significantly less actual Capacitor than on Tranq. is that part of the change too? there’s no difference in implants or fitting. but 12k cap on Tranq and 10k cap on Sisi… Anyone know anything about that?


ah, yeah that checks out.
although now it has less overall cap than the Kronos. Unlike usual Amarr ships.
I just hope this balance works out

No idea about the usual cap management of the paladin, but 50% cap reduction of their main weapons at max level seems pretty good to me.

yah is good
amarr towers are the main cap drain of the ships

btw i like the changes
more power to marauders and less OP stupid ADC (I’ve being asking for this for a long time)
well done ccp
