I’d like to propose some battleship QoL improvements. While i think battleships as a whole need a good looking at in some cases, there are some fairly minor changes that can be made that help liven up the ship line without making drastic changes to how they interact in the game.
Signature Resolution Buff
All battleships should see a scan resolution buff of 25-50. Why? See my list below and compare to capitals:
Phoenix: 87mm
Naglfar: 106mm
Moros: 93mm
Revelation: 100mm
Nidhoggur: 93mm
Chimera: 75mm
Archon: 87mm
Thanatos: 81mm
Abaddon: 106mm
Apocolypse: 118mm
Armageddon: 137mm
Napoc: 150mm
Navy Geddon: 137mm
Raven: 106mm
Rokh: 93mm
Scorpion: 137mm
Navy Scorpion: 93mm
Navy Raven: 131mm
Domi: 112mm
Hyperion: 137mm
Mega: 118mm
N. Domi: 112mm
N. Mega: 118mm
Maelstrom: 112mm
Tempest: 125mm
typhoon: 143mm
typhoon fleet: 143mm
tempest fleet: 125mm
Keep in mind, these are not even including NSA on carriers. So a naked nidhoggur (which almost none are fit w/o an NSA) has the same exact same scan resolution as a Scorpion Navy Issue, or a Rokh. A Revelation has only 6mm less scan resolution than an Abaddon or a Raven. The Naglfar has the same resolution as those ships and is then only a stones throw away to multiple other battleships as far as scan res goes.
There are some outliers, like the typhoon/tyFi, Napoc and Mach that have decent scan res. Those don’t need much work, but a small % increase wouldn’t be a bad thing.
Battleships are no longer the biggest ship on grid anymore, they should not be matching, or even close to capitals with scan resolution. Especially since a carrier can lock and pop a battleship before a battleship can even lock its fighters.
Warp Speed
A simple change would be to just increase all subcap warp speeds by +1.0AU. So battleships are still the slowest subcap, but now warp at cruiser speed, which improves the ability for them to roam and not be so boring. This also means that you can use 1 hyperspatial rig to keep up decently with most comps and don’t need to sacrifice 2 rig slots, since hyperspatials are % based and not a flat number increase.
Also, a point of consideration, its not so much the time it takes to warp that makes battleship warp speed an issue, its the time it takes to exit warp. As you’ll just sit still for 5 seconds and it still shows you’re in warp. So alternately, if you could adjust how warp deceleration is tied to warp speed, that might help as well.
While more changes are needed to help revitalize battleships, these are fairly minor and easy to implement that will help resolve some glaring issues with battleships. It will also give a better perspective, once implemented, to see what battleships really need in future iterations.