Before you complain

I’ve read through that short conversation between the two of you. He made a general statement about the game, you made a specific statement about him still being around. He took offense in being called a whiner, which was your interpretation of what he said.

To his defense, I usually don’t see him specifically whining about the game and you might want to make sure you don’t use general terms like “whining” and instead attempt at being more specific. Helps with your debating skills too. :slight_smile:

“Whining” is too general to be useful. It’s a word thrown around causing other people to jump onto it without actually giving the “whiner’s” claim any further thought.


Me: The red dot is stupid.
You: Stop whining.
Me: I’m not whining. The red dot is stupid. There are reasons why it’s stupid. One of them the insane intellectual insult its existence throws into everyone’s faces. Another is the implementation itself, which forces me to actively remove that visually distracting red dot.
You: Stop whining.

When you jump to the conclusion that someone is “whining”, you yourself stop giving the other person’s words any thought. You just shut off at the moment you notice that he’s opposing something you yourself aren’t opposing as well.

If you go through his posting history you will also see that he is, in fact, not whining “day in and day out”. He really doesn’t. Go look. Do it. Now.

After you’ve checked, let me point you at this:

You only read what your brain is set to read, instead of neutrally reading what’s actually written. Being able to actually read the written word demands a clear and calm mind. Reading text on a screen over a prolonged period of time, especially when mixed with negativity, causes the opposite of that to happen. It causes automaticity, which is basically your brain doing nothing but matching the read patterns with whatever fits first. In this specific case with DMC, what your brain did was matching his claim with “whining”.

Not uncommon for people who spend waaayyyyy too much time in an online forum or in front of a display. I know, because I spend a lot of time in front of a display. That eventually forced me to understand what’s going on

On this forum particularly, it is extremely common to eventually stop thinking about what’s written. There are too many of the same topics (generally speaking) and too many of the same people always arguing about the same things, making the same points; valid or not, imaginary or not.

Most people who are happy say absolutely nothing. It is mostly those who are unhappy, who are willing to say something. When there’s too much of that, eventually everyone’s mind is set on the idea that everyone’s just “whining” and that’s exactly what they’re going to notice. I question the point in arguing with people who are “wrong” on the internet.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

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Excellent post and I will be more careful in the future…but…

For me, using the “whining” line is not a counter to a fact but rather an attitude. Your example of the red dot where you call it “stupid” is pure opinion, devoid of fact. It’s a pretty sound opinion but in that instance the “whining” counter would be appropriate. Water is not wet and a red dot on a screen cannot be stupid and all…

When people make broad negative statements, over and over and over, where they only contain opinion, the only counter can be to check said opinion and call it for what it (usually) is…complaining aka whining…

If you take Dracvlad for example, many times he actually makes good (but flawed iIMO) example/fact based arguments and as he knows the game better than I, my normal action was to let them go. But when he skipped facts and when straight for the “this is dumb” conclusion well, then I’d pipe-up…

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Oh stop whining. :wink:


What hampooned to the TheDrac? I haven’t seen him for quite some time.

Therapy? JJ…he said he was taking time-off form EVE for a bit to play other games…6-12 months I think depending on how good Cyberpunk is…

Last post on March 13. He’s still reading the forums, so at least we know he’s alive.


He can be an egomaniacal narcissist, but I still prefer knowing he’s alright.

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Even in a sinking game it’s difficult to get rid of the hardcore fans.

I’m not saying EVE is sinking truth is I’m not sure which way it’s going to go, even I started thinking of reloading to see how the characters training is going as I can’t remember what I was training. Don’t know why I should even care as I can’t see me playing it with the market and resist changes.

Maybe for the moment they’re trying to work out exactly what they’ve got, game and fans.

about your stuff, Scarlet…

EvE is sinking, so you won’t need it.

May I have it, please?

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Now what would you do with a load of trigs and Gilas as well as others more than 100 ships in total, plus stockpiles of t2 equipment and ammo?

Now this captain may have abandoned the ship (ships) but at least I can be sat on a beach with a pinacolato whilst those ships RIP.

Much easier to just mothball them for the just in case moments.

Golly…I have no idea…Maybe I could think of something eventually…

Ah. In other words; you’re not really serious about what you said about you think EvE is dying. You really are either not actually leaving or plan to be back.
Ok, fair, enjoy your break if you indeed take one.
“much easier” than simply “select all” on a contract or two? …ok…

Didn’t say EVE is dying, I said, I don’t know if it will or not.

My sub runs out in June, not long now. but I’ve not been actually playing for a while now (maybe 2 months).

One day this game might become a game I’d like to play again, which it isn’t in its present form. It’s just about keeping your options open.

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Within hours of me asking, he posted. Can you believe this?

Yes, yes I can…

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I forgot to put subbed aswell. Since Trinity. No this one will go to the grave to.

People say whining when they have no argument. They need to let the big people speak…

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You havent been here long have you…

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Mabey you should read the history of CCP, the game & how it has all turned out…

None of your replys are intelligent… pathetic attempt to debate facts…

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Such as old’timer? Love to see what a super brain like you can do…I wont bring-up the fact you type and sound just like DMC, I promise…

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Not only are you a fool, you also once again prove yourself to be incorrect.