I’ve read through that short conversation between the two of you. He made a general statement about the game, you made a specific statement about him still being around. He took offense in being called a whiner, which was your interpretation of what he said.
To his defense, I usually don’t see him specifically whining about the game and you might want to make sure you don’t use general terms like “whining” and instead attempt at being more specific. Helps with your debating skills too.
“Whining” is too general to be useful. It’s a word thrown around causing other people to jump onto it without actually giving the “whiner’s” claim any further thought.
Me: The red dot is stupid.
You: Stop whining.
Me: I’m not whining. The red dot is stupid. There are reasons why it’s stupid. One of them the insane intellectual insult its existence throws into everyone’s faces. Another is the implementation itself, which forces me to actively remove that visually distracting red dot.
You: Stop whining.
When you jump to the conclusion that someone is “whining”, you yourself stop giving the other person’s words any thought. You just shut off at the moment you notice that he’s opposing something you yourself aren’t opposing as well.
If you go through his posting history you will also see that he is, in fact, not whining “day in and day out”. He really doesn’t. Go look. Do it. Now.
After you’ve checked, let me point you at this:
You only read what your brain is set to read, instead of neutrally reading what’s actually written. Being able to actually read the written word demands a clear and calm mind. Reading text on a screen over a prolonged period of time, especially when mixed with negativity, causes the opposite of that to happen. It causes automaticity, which is basically your brain doing nothing but matching the read patterns with whatever fits first. In this specific case with DMC, what your brain did was matching his claim with “whining”.
Not uncommon for people who spend waaayyyyy too much time in an online forum or in front of a display. I know, because I spend a lot of time in front of a display. That eventually forced me to understand what’s going on
On this forum particularly, it is extremely common to eventually stop thinking about what’s written. There are too many of the same topics (generally speaking) and too many of the same people always arguing about the same things, making the same points; valid or not, imaginary or not.
Most people who are happy say absolutely nothing. It is mostly those who are unhappy, who are willing to say something. When there’s too much of that, eventually everyone’s mind is set on the idea that everyone’s just “whining” and that’s exactly what they’re going to notice. I question the point in arguing with people who are “wrong” on the internet.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.