Best Games Ever

I remember typing in Super Star Trek, summer '81, and spending many hours debugging the Basic code, praying the cassette tape would catch all my hard work so that I wouldn’t have to do it all over again the next time !! LOL.


I had the TRS-80 and first started without the tape deck attachment.

So I had stuck with small ones that were just a simple maze type.

Look left look up open chest. Look book etc then inside the maze I would have to remember the turn left turn right.

It was great for the mind to imagine being inside that maze.

Almost a lifetime ago now to remember.


Had these too ?


I remember a little program called “Elisa”, an embryonic version of AI, lol.

Yeah, a lifetime ago :slight_smile:

And Z80 based machines ruled, lol (mine was an Exidy Sorcerer)


Ah yes…the sheer fun of typing in 300 lines of BASIC code in order to play a game.

Mind you, I can recall an online update for Half Life taking 5 hours to download in 1999…and that was when one could not log into AOL for more than 5 hours at a time. Even Steam was slow to download games when it started…whereas now you can buy a game and have 15gb of it all downloaded in 10 minutes.


It would seem as you had liked the game Half Life for a very long time
As it is your number two all time favourite :crazy_face:

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Half-Life 2 possibly has a role in that. I personally am still holding my breath for the third game. :saluting_face:

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There are too many games to mention so only posting one at a time whenever I remember to post one here.

Let’s start with a gem of an RTS with very immersive and thematic story and trailers / cutscenes that was also a gem for its outstanding multiplayer.


This is a good tactical immersive war game. Single or Multiplayer. I only found it a couple of weeks ago while investigating a similar game. Learning curve is mild but when the main keyboard shortcuts are known it’s a blast… Literally.


Age of Empires (especially AoE2: Age of Kings)

Railroad Tycoon

Shogun: Total War (and the Total War series in general)

Command and Conquer (and it’s prequel Dune: Battle for Arrakis)


Defender (80s retro sideways shooter)



Everquest II

