Blackout Concludes

@discobot what time is it?

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

/thread, people. You heard it from Discobot itself.

No, CCP was not wrong.

Yes, CCP know what they’re doing.

And only CCP knows what will be next.


Think they need to be on same line.

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You need to ask it to tell fortune, then ask your question. Like this:

@discobot fortune

Is your power suit for everyone in the forums?

:crystal_ball: Concentrate and ask again

@discobot fortune

Does people ever read the instructions?

:crystal_ball: As I see it, yes

@discobot fortune

@discobot fortune

Is LAGL bound to spread fun in the forums?

:crystal_ball: Signs point to yes

@discobot fortune

On what day will EVE be shutdown?

:crystal_ball: Without a doubt

@discobot fortune

Should I unsubscribe my 47 accounts and hold my breath until CCP gives me what I want?


:crystal_ball: Yes

Discobot, you are Fired!

well if i wasnt attacked by blues/alliance/corp members i would be in a corp of people or in null too

Some people believe any engagement is good engagement.

These people are incorrect

Check the MER.

Mining and production went down. Destruction hardly moved.

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Its hard to see why people are so salty about this. It simply means that people other than goons can mine and rat again.

People on these forums complain all day and night about goons and the big blocs, and yet they celebrated a state of affairs in null that screwed over absolutely everyone who wanted to live in null outside of those big blocs. As a matter of survival many of us have had to consolidate under umbrellas that we never would have had to before the black out.

So which is it? We hate the big blocs? Or, we love them and want the blackout to continue so they can get stronger. Make up your damn minds.


No it means that the markets will once again be flooded. The price of minerals will fall and EvE goes back to sucks online.