Blackout ideas

This blackout in null is stupid. I really thought it would be over by now. I’m into industry and mining so I have not made any isk for a number of weeks now. A good friend and corp mate has decided for the first time since 2004, not to plex his account again. I am trying to claim a refund now for the remainder of the game time on both my accounts but CCP are saying I cant claim anything. Well CCP… I paid you in good faith… you have implemented the most stupid change I have ever come across in any game. Well, I’ll speak to my credit card company to see if I can claim a refund that way. Well done CCP, well done.

So, what you nerfing next?

Why you can’t use dscan? Need free intel to play? Return to high sec.

I do use dscan thanks… ah… you work for CCP right? explains the stupid reply :rofl:

If it wasn’t for players like me you silly asses wouldn’t have nice ships to get yourself blown up in :kissing_heart:

That is your own choice and not blackout’s fault.

The hype of BO has (almost) ended and life in NS continues as it were before.

Less competition for those who remain. If the prices on minerals and products begin to rise - more players will see that as the opportunity and switch to mining/industry. Equilibrium will be restored.

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The entitlement is strong with this one :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

We already have them, scouts. You just cant anchor them for corp or they get testy

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