Update on the Blood Raider FoBs and their Waves through experimentation, some of this should also apply to Gurista FoBs
With multiple runs of a Battleship against a Blood Raider FoB and triggering the waves I’ve got a more definitive count on the numbers that the Defenders use.
With the use of a Battleship a total of 15 “Waves” begin, these can come from either the FoB as an Undocking Force or they can warp in from Off Grid. One wave arrives every minute which brings in more Cruisers and Frigates to the fight.
At the 6th or 11th Wave though Battleships can spawn in, if they spawn in at Wave 6 they will alternate spawns but if they arrive at Wave 11 all spawns from that point on will contain Battleships.
After all Waves have spawned there should be around 7 Battleships, 45 Cruisers, and 12 Frigates assuming you get the maximum amount each time. If there are no waves appearing a set of Faction ships will warp in taking the place of some Battleships or Cruisers and will be about twice as powerful as the others. Ashimmu appear to take the place of 2 or 3 Cruisers each.
With that full force you will have to withstand
14866.4 DPS
29981 EM Alpha
18974 Thermal Alpha
The EM/Thermal Damage Ratio is 65%/35% roughly.
Best estimates on HP of their most commonly used ships are
(Shield, Armor, Structure)
Omen - 1500 SHP, 8194 AHP, 1875 HP
Apocalypse - 7500 SHP, 21563 AHP, 8750 HP
Cruor - 600 SHP, 1512 AHP, 725 HP
Finally they are most vulnerable to EM while having High Resistances to everything else.
The information on the Waves may vary from FoB to FoB or Security System so please if you are also testing share your information on these.