Sorry but you really are just an idiot. Why would I bother trying to get issues with nulsec addressed if I didn’t have a stake in it.
Unlike you I don’t profess to know everything about Eve and represent EVEYONE. I will only speak about aspects of the game I know.
Now you’re just taking the piss. You belong to the most game breaking, risk averse group in the game - The only issues you have are that you’ve beaten the game and are now asking for more…
You should really step back take a good honest look at your posting, especially in this thread - Don’t be embarrassed for me, I can honestly say - I’m no elitist who simply wants bigger better ships to more easily ruin the game for others because I’m a rich player and deserve to “win” eve.
NB; Asking for a class of ships only the richest most elitist players can access shows just how little you understand and care what “game balance” is.
You don’t want “what’s best for the game” you just want another “I win” ship class in your hanger.
I can honestly say, I feel nothing but pity for you and your attitudes toward how the game is/should be played.
. Bit sad you have to flag a post simply because it is a bit critical of your poor judgement and inaccurate presumptions.
Oh well, typical of your type - “If I don’t like it, it isn’t true so hide it from the world”.
Might want to look up my character BEFORE making more unfounded presumptions.
Little as there is, this characters history is there for anyone to see, making things up to suit your own narrative DOESN’T make them true Brisc.