Boost capitals and supers even more

The problem was that before the recent change to capital cost, a super capital cost around the same as a tripple A title game $40, there was once a time in Eve when a battleship cost that.

People were literally yoloing supercaps onto small cruiser gangs for lolz.

CCP had so badly devalued the in game economy with a soft stance on botting that everything became fairly worthless. When they recently re-address this probably trying to avoid sub $10 supers it seems some within the community had massive crack withdrawal symptoms missing their $10 hits.

Titans are still sub $800 btw, & they are about to get cheaper unless CCP doubles down on the poverty patching instead of putting the brakes on.

An easy fix would be to bring account verification on and actually ban botters, I know crazy right?

Also it has not gone un-noticed that development has essentially grounded to a halt, seems they are basing development investment directly on 1/4’s now which is basically life support lite.

The game is 20 years old. It’s not botting that has allowed players to gain wealth, it’s the time they have sunk into the game.

And, no, titans are not sub $800. They are closer to $1.5k right now. A fitted titan will run you around 120 bil, which is about 41,380 plex. That would require 3 of the $499.99 plex packs to purchase. Even an unfit titan is going to run you about 90 bil, and that’s still 2 plex packs worth of plex, so a minimum of $1k.

There is no way these are going to get any cheaper because the build price is way higher than the sell prices right now. No one is building titans.

Development hasn’t ground to a halt at all. They just did a patch with a bunch of changes in it, and we’re a few weeks away from another round of major changes.

Well said brisc!!! i have been asking for new ships and been shot down every time! Trig line needs finished.
T2 dreads for the main races etc now that sounds ace.
Im all for t2 caps !!

I was basing my pricing off RMT sites ie, the free market all of which are sub $1000 for a hull and the main one being $800. RMT sites offering the most honest state of the in game economy.

CCP could set 500 plex price to 20k $ tomorrow, is plex and titans now worth that no? You even talked about resale value of goods on your show like 2 weeks ago. CCP does not set the value of in game IP the player base does, they can nudge and bump it however.

RMT isn’t legal. You can’t base any decisions on anything in the game based on RMT, especially economics.

Coke isn’t legal, it has a value.

We don’t base economic policy decisions off of the street price of coke.

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Maybe not in the public eye :slight_smile: DRAIN THE SWAMP!

Sorry I couldn’t help it.

You are coming across as naive tbh here Brisc, even as a politician if you think your country’s economic policies are not factored by cocaine or the drugs trade as a whole. Meme’s aside a large part of your nations central American foreign policy is influenced by the coke trade.

Also I just checked the consumer price index & it does indeed factor narcotics, so yes economic policy decisions are made on the price street coke.

Brisic give ccp a ton of coke if they bring out t2 caps )

I’m not coming off as naive. You’re coming off as a conspiracy theorist, who seems to think the EVE in-game economy is driven by RMT rather than player behavior. It’s not. And yes, illegal markets are included in CPI, but it’s a bit of a stretch to say that we’re making economic policy based off the price of street coke as if that’s the only factor.

I do not understand why some of you have to instantly reference my nationality and my real ife job whenever I get into a conversation with you. It’s ■■■■■■■ creepy.


The point I’ve wanted to make for ages, but couldn’t be bothered to defend. Completely agree.

Imagine if WoW stopped after T1 or Albion stopped at T6 or Warhammer Online stopped at Conq, Anarchy Online at Azure Reveries and so on and so on. Incremental power creep and new shiny things to shoot for is the spirit of MMOs. Caps provide a long term hook that Subcaps Online cannot. I spent a good 4 years subbing up to 5 accounts accounts to become a Titan pilot, I’d happily resub my accounts chasing a Super Titan, Mothership, Black Hole Generator or some other Epic goal.


I have 0 active subs. 4 accounts are forms of cap account, titan/dread, fax, super and 4 rorq pilots - all of which are useless now, there’s no value for money in having a titan/super subbed, it’s not like you’d dare use them, you wouldn’t be able to replace them + recon change, EHP nerf, tracking nerf just makes them a chore to move around and deploy - not worth the 12.99 for them to feel like a shadow of their former selves.

This is going to sound melodramatic, but it genuinely feels like anyone with a cap or rorq has systematically been hunted down by the devs, like we’ve been in their headlights as the cancer killing Eve. I don’t care to be treated like that.

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You introduced yourself to the community with a video, fronting it… I will try to forget it with a mind melt.

You are now just some guy.

And you’re still hiding on a forum alt for whatever reason.

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Forum alt? This is my main char, in my own corp, I dunno how much more transparent you expect me to be.

I have 2 accounts, all chars are in it. If you want a ban on ALT accounts I am happy, promote it at CSM sounds good.

You’ve lost one ship in 7 years?

You’ve been in capital fights but never actually killed anything? You own an avatar but have never used it? Come on, dude.

Oh you see ship PvP as your main. I do not but I have PvP chars, you’ll notice one was in a certain alliance.

I see the oldest character as the main, or the one you use the most. And you were in a corp for three months that was in INIT for less than a year.

I don’t think it’s a good idea to go around claiming you understand capital balance and the like when you’ve gotten one kill in a capital ship on all your characters in 10 years.

Firstly I have killed more than 1 capital and I’ve been killed in more capitals. Zkill, is not complete.

Secondly, as to the ballance I was talking about capital cost something I feel very qualified to speak about having traded them, used them ect ect. Particularly HP*DPS/cost respects.

Also as you point out I am fairly irrelevant so why is it that I am able to field a Titan fleet solo well ok 4 of em 2 at a time.

This “alliance asset” is now so cheap scrubbers like me have fleets of em, lel.

My original point is supers were too cheap and are still cheapish, CCP would be mistaken to revert their cost and likely should further increase them a Titan hill being $800 on “illegal” 3rd party sites.

If you suggested anywhere but here that the price of capitals is not high enough, you would get booed off the stage. The fact that you haven’t been pilloried here is simply a demonstration as to how few people actually read these forums. One of the #1 biggest complaints of the vast majority of players I talk to, and I talk to a ton, is that prices are still screwed up for battleships, caps and supers.

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