Boring lowsecs. Ideas on how to make players highly active

Sure thing

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of course the bastion turns off :slight_smile:

Nah it shouldnā€™t. Gate camps create a meaningful choice between taking the safer hi-sec route or the quicker possibly gate camped route. Thatā€™s pretty straightforward risk/reward.

And if players want to lock down a system, gate camps are part of that.

Some people may be afraid to goto lowsec, but clearly not everyone.

More lowsec/hisec gate camping. Definitely. Blob those gates to kill as many evil industrial ships as possible.

THIS is the key to keeping players around and wanting to play. It must be true because this is what the 1337 players have done in my 12 years in the game.

laughs in Blockade Runner

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A few problems could be solved by forcing bubbles and gate camps some distance away from gates by:

  1. Preventing the blockage of most travel through some constricted pathways.

  2. Encourage gankers to focus their activities more into lowsec.

  3. Allow freer access to Regional Markets.

This would also force gankers to work for a living instead of just sitting around twiddling their thumbs at a gateā€¦


i lolā€™d

This is the heart of the matter.
Outside of small frigate slapfights, where the losses become trivial, thereā€™s little PvP, because players figured out the game.

The only way to prop up PvP numbers at this point, is to make the PvE in low sec both more entertaining and more rewarding, so there will be more grazers out there to hunt. Then maybe the bigger fish will go after the smaller hunters and the game may come alive again.

having lost not one but 2 buzzards this weekend in low sec i can confirm theres still dumb people like me out there

Ah I see youā€™re confused. This isnā€™t how we making a living itā€™s our recreational activity. Like fishing, sit there have a few beers, talk with the guys. Occasionally fish come by the ones with half a brain just move right passed the hook. But then you snag a dumb one get the excitement as you catch it and real it in. Then exclaim at how large or tiny the kill ma- fish is.

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Not seeing how the current mechanics need to be changed, but I AM very interested to hear about ships and fits that can fight back instead of just running away at the first sign of another player in system.

Do it yourself, that is part of the game.

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This is a discussion about lowsec.

Bubbles are not allowed in lowsec.

Maybe know what you are talking about before you post?

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Luring PvE players to PvP has never worked in any game.

All they do is whine and quit when killed. Better to make the PvP actually fun.

I mean the same presentation that explained why being ganked in hs early on was good for the game also showed how sufficient rewards could bring pve players into more pvp focused zones and that being forced into pvp had a higher chance of turning a player on to pvp.

There are already loads of these in the gameā€¦ most in fact? Iā€™m confused.

The thing is that has been tried so many times and failed.

You know what they never try? Just making PvP fun. Look at FW, you would think it would be great PvP, but it is not, they have it setup as nothing more that a mission grind.

When you enter a system, all the ā€œFW PvPā€ ships dockā€¦ pathetic

The mission grid draws players that donā€™t want to PvP.

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Do they? Maybe in the amarr/minm war zone. We get fights all the time in the cal/gal front. I never ran a mission and I donā€™t know many who do since the sb strategy was killed. Itā€™s nothing compared to the pre 2018 prime but that has more to do with population than mechanics. FW also isnā€™t really and never has been set up to get pve pilots into pvp. Rather itā€™s an area for pilots already interested in pvp to learn how to do it. Imo it is the best place to learn both pvp in general and how to FC. The mechanics allow for the most ā€˜controlledā€™ fights as for the most part each party needs to agree on fleet sizes and ship size. Itā€™s much harder to bait a smaller fleet then ambush them with huge numbers. Neither side has to worry about surprise caps in day to day fights. Ultimately I find it leads to some of the best small and med gang pvp for casual play.

However while many players do decide its the most enjoyable gameplay most will go out to null where there are no longer restrictions and the game is far more open.

Let me be more clear. I donā€™t know about them, so Iā€™m interested to learn. I use missiles and fly caldari ships doing pve. Most of what Iā€™ve heard through the years in many games is that ā€œpve builds canā€™t pvpā€.

So, if there are fits for Caldari missile boats that will let me pve in losec and have a fighting chance if someone jumps me in the middle of a mission, then please inform me.

Otherwise, why WOULDNā€™T I stay aligned the whole time so I can be ready to bug out before Iā€™m scrammed and lose my ship in a completely one sided fight?


Pve optimized fits will always be at a disadvantage in pvp. However pve is still possible in pvp fit ships youā€™re just going to be giving up efficiency.

Most donā€™t do this simply because in eve no matter your fit you will lose most of the fights you didnā€™t chose because the only people that will chose to fight you have confidence they will win.