Brisc Rubal Has Got To Go

The real destination is j100415

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Correct. Thats where I live. These idiots are so eager to be on brisc’s dick they just hop on the first J# they see.

So let me get this straight. You spend most of your waking hours krabbing like a degenerate, contributing diddly to the wormhole pvp ecosystem other than 5-10 minute run of the mill subcap gank and you want to easily teleport out of holes without any consequences? Totally bypassing all wormhole travel mechanics and their limitations and consequences.

The entitled titty baby krab is strong with you.


I thought eve was a Sandbox? Is it not? @Avacado_Salad

I thought we could play eve the way we liked – the way we had fun playing it?

Is that no longer the case? I missed that memo.

I didn’t know how much I needed this thread today. Bob moves in mysterious ways.


Would be a lot more fun if you had a scanner alt I imagine.


Filaments in wormholes are not a God given right.


They were a huge time-saver for small corps and solo players.

But no one cares about small corps or solo players.

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Remember how filaments were added to the game? All we asked for was them to go away so it could be like before. Maybe, just maybe, YOU hurt our sandbox


Nah we just care more about small groups with scanner alts.

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Yes, I hurt your sandbox, by Krabbing in my hole that I took by EVICTING A PREVIOUS CORPORATION.

Thats A++ Logic there bud

It was not a time saver. It was an escape without consequence. Your complaint here is exactly why they needed to be removed. You can make all the isk in the world and when hostiles show up, filament away without risk. This is why it was removed. You only have yourself to blame.


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