Brisc Rubal Has Got To Go

Evie is in a small corp hello, what fantasy world are you living in


Not smaller players, just players without scanning alts.

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I’ve played 15 years in corps.
I’ve played 6 months solo.

Ive been playing 15 * 12 = 180 months
6 of those months have been solo
6/180 = 0.033, or 3.3%

Literally 3.3% of my playtime has been solo. Don’t go down that route, its a stupid route to go down. I have many friends I play with often. I choose to try out solo gameplay.

But still couldn’t come up with a scanner alt huh


Didn’t even bother to have a scanning ship in the frigate escape bay


It seems to me that you have gone in un-prepared and are now facing the consequences of your actions. Maybe post you’re Jsig so we can find and assist you ?


Nope, apparently, I’m going to have to make a new account and sub it each month solely because of this change.

Bwisc wubaw has got tuwu gow

the fiwament change was a howwibwe idea, i don’t know if bwisc iws being wiwwfuwwy mawicious ow he iws simpwy ignowant of wowmhowe space, but thiws change weawwy scwewed ovew smaww cowps.

if uwu awen’t pawt of a majow awwiance now with 100 scannews awnd a fuww map own pathfindew wife iws 100x hawdew now.

fow 32ish houws, i have nowt bewn abwe tuwu pway. I got wage wowwed intwo awnd had tuwu jump my mawaudew thwough a static, cwosing iwt behind me. The fiwst ganking fweet didn’t get me.

whewn the wussians (the wesidents of the cwit c5) saw a mawaudew entew theiw howe, they came out in fuww fowce. Whewn they saw me cwoak, they stawted doing sites awnd sending the dwiftews tuwu each howe so i’d have tuwu wawp at 0 awnd take iwt (without knowing whewe iwt goes) ow die.

i, obviouswy, chose tuwu wait thewm out. So i stayed, wogged in awnd cwoaked, fow abouwt 4 houws, untiw they wogged off.

checked the howes, they aww wead tuwu othew c4/5s. Bewn checking 32 houws now, stiww no c1-3s, wows, ow highs. Fowtuitouswy, i wead patch notes awnd thwew a depot + scannew in the gowem, but i’m stiww at the mewcy of bob.

i usuawwy pway awmost evewy minute of evewy day, but the wast 32 houws, aww i cawn duwu iws wogin at my deep safe, cwoak, awnd scan.

thiws iws weawwy gweat gamepway. Whawt an awesome change, bwisc.

its a gweat thing uwu didn’t gow with the 1minute spoow up timew. God fowbid i might actuawwy get tuwu pway the gawme i wawnt tuwu pway.

honestwy, how cawn i say thiws powitewy… scwew uwu @bwisc_wubaw !!


Or use that fourth account you’ve apparently just got chilling back home lmao


@Evie_Kouvo That looks like a scanning ship in my frig bay, but not sure, you tell me. You know more than I do apparently about me.

Oooh this is a good idea. @I_Hate_Brisc what jsig are you in, my group will come help you scan out.

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TIL a venture is a scanning ship

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You sure did show me

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It sure as hell can be when you simply need to scan down wormhole sigs, they don’t require a lot of scan strength.

The screenshot says J162132


We got a destination folks

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Why there?

Why not come and evict me from my main hole? You instead are going to try and gank a cloaked marauder?

The hull and armour damage is a nice touch too on the picture


Yes I barely got out alive, fought til almost the end :stuck_out_tongue:

Ty for your service.

@I_Hate_Brisc will be seeing you soon friend.

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