Brisc Rubal Has Got To Go

Why haven’t you just podded yourself and turbokrabbed back the relatively small setback of a single marauder?


If you didn’t want to jump blindly into holes, you should’ve brought a scanner.


Dude is so risk averse that he would rather spend hours threatening to kick my ass and bitching at me over eve mails and on here, rather than just take a chance that he’ll jump into a camp and die.

What the hell has happened to this game, lol


You mean an ALT scanner? ANOTHER account?

as in have a dedicated character on the other side of the crit-hole just in-case I have have to jump out

I fly 5-10b ships in a c5 that I’m in by myself. Thats hardly risk Averse.

There’s a difference between risk aversion and recklessness.

Yes? You can get an alt into an astero with the 1m skill points ccp gives you when you make a new account. Just scan the holes and jump them with the astero.

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You decided to log off for 32 hours instead of just jumping a hole.

That’s risk averse.

You do realize that the worst thing that can happen is you die, right? And you can go home and do whatever it is you were doing before?


I don’t just ‘die’, I lose a 4b marauder and 2bil pod.

thats 6bil. at 500m/hr when you account for rolling + logistics thats 12hrs of gameplay gone.

12hrs of gameplay gone is not a simple pod travel

Krabs like you are second class citizens who don’t deserve to have a vote on the outcome of the future of j space. If you want the isk, you gotta deal with the risk. (This is coming from the little guy by the way)


There are a great deal many things to complain about in wormhole space, but this change was hard pushed my most of the wormhole community, big and small corps alike saw that the negative of them outweighed the positive.

I would suggest you blind jump some c5’s or contact Eve scout.


Right, because I’m not enrolled in FW and I don’t pop out to Lowsec everytime I get a hole to do it.

I’m just a stupid KRab, who according to you, deserves to be a ‘2nd class citizen’

Wooo Lets just get all the elitesism out.

This really was an elitest change, at the end of the day, for @Brisc_Rubal and the megacorps.

Are you rolling with a single account? If so, why? And if not, then why is that other account not in a scanner?


Brisc isn’t a wormholer. Why in the world do you think he benefits from this change.


This change has not impacted me at all.

I pushed for it because the wormhole community asked me to.


One account does the sites in a paladin, one account does the drifter in a golem, one account is salvaging, one account is back at base ready to be in whatever ship it needs to be in to help the other 3.

I guess because of this change I now need to sub ANOTHER account?

Thank goodness you did, it’s one of the best changes we had in years.


Man sure bet you wish that fourth account was in a scanner lmao


There’s also the option of training some real life skills into the “making friends” skill tree.


Not having a booshing alt with all these rauders


Says another mega pvp corp.

This is just a thread of giant pvp corps talking about how great the change to ■■■■ over smaller players is.