Build new star gates around Niarja

It is permanent


Why aren’t bubbles allowed in niarja ?
If it is a -0.7 sec system there should be bubbles like in any 0.0 system.

Give me a source on that please.

In Business for every person who complains there are 20 people who never say a word and simply leave never to return. CCP going to learn that lesson.


This just makes my day :rofl:

There is soo much good news here, I can’t take it!!

Let’s see, people can’t get to JIta and may have to start using regional markets. MAJOR GAME IMPROVEMENT, CCP u finally rocked it!! Udema next? *prays*

Plus, bonus, the local HS ice system in my region of space is about to fall as well!! Can this get better?


CSM don’t make in-game design decisions that CCP implements. They’re a feedback / focus group for CCP to bounce ideas off of.


No, it’s still 0.5 for everything but Concord (for which it is -0.7)

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Man, these posts. :joy:

Back when I did industry around Amarr, Niarja dying is the kind of thing I fantasized about. There is a lot of opportunity here if you stop screaming long enough to take it all in.

Yeah, none of that is going to happen.


It is not a null sec system. It is a Trig system.

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Indeed. As someone who almost always sells locally, my sell orders are popping-off rapidly today.


Right here.

Go to Caldari HS.

You could sell your stuff in Amarr.

You can mine in an Alpha account. You can also purchase a subscription that costs less than plex, too.

But apparently you already knew you could subscribe because you were apparently doing that.

I will pass on your concerns to CCP.


I just want to say I am against this bridge because the loss of the loop is in my mind beneficial to the regional economies and makes EVE more interesting.

People might even have to shop around!


image Oh, no, what will the Ganking Punks in Niarja do now? What a shame…

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CaN I hAvE YoUr sTuFf?

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Because it is still high sec.

Only the concord response is changed.

The funny thing is that after seeing EVE Online revenue stagnate/go down since 2018, this year EVE Online looked on the way to eventually increase revenue for the first time since Pearl Abyss bought CCP… but now they just effed up with this ““random”” middlefinger to highseccers.

EVE Online as a PvEr is not a game you take a lot of sh¡t for. It is enjoyable, but of limited value, and as a PvEr there’s always a little voice tingling on the back of your head asking: “should I keep playing this game in a way that’s neglected and despised by the developers?”.

The Niarja fuk-up just makes that little voice louder.


Do you have a source for that?

They don’t represent you.

If CCP intervene to undo player action in their headline event it kind of undermines everything, doesn’t it?

What you’re asking for is not going to happen. You have to adjust to the new state of affairs.

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This game is far from neglected and despised by the devs. This is just salt you’re pouring on the table because the shortcut to Amarr was taken away. This game at least for me has been adapt and overcome instead of being a theme park MMO where I get my hand held.

Yeah, I’ve got no clue what that kid is talking about.

EVE Online has been doing fine, in fact, it’s already doing better in 2020.

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