Build new star gates around Niarja

fanboys… always same. he/she ignore corona factor… people stuck at their houses. but fanboy blind about this…
so sad. ccp missed huge opputunity with these bad desicions. now i understand ccp cant calculate their desicions result. their development skills simply & game progression departmen fail. i dont know why… maybe new owners greed or bad ceo. dont know. but i can see clearly this is breaking point.

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Do you have a source for this?

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They already moved to Uedama. It’s much more easy to exploit the broken gank mechanic in one pipe. Their lives just became easier.


And here:

Q4-18: 12.6 (billion KRW)
Q1-19: 14.5
Q2-19: 14.9
Q3-19: 14.6
Q4-19: 12.4
Q1-20: 14.3
Q2-20: 18.9

Q1-20 and Q2-20 include China server going back online and the pandemic on Q2-20.


lets see a year down the road… when covid-19 will be gone

we can play fall guys
i think this argument don’t hold water

First graph:
Eve revenue Q4’18 = 12.8
Eve revenue Q2’19 = 15.6

Second graph:
Eve revenue Q2’19 = 14.9
Eve revenue Q2’20 = 18.9

So where is it going down since 2018??

Asia market looks like its going down. Pc market looks like it’s going up…

Seriously what are you looking at?


People keep saying that but they never leave :frowning:

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So you don’t have a source for that. Got it.

Troll detected

really?do you really asking this? entire world fighting with corana. Millions lost their job and you asking clue for corana lockdown?
so this is ZOOM stock prizes… look and shameyourself…

zoom stock

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Could you have used a URL shortener?

Zoom stock is not eve online revenue.

And the claim was:

The bolded part is particularly interesting.

Well CCP did undue “blackout” in null after a few cancellations. I have adjusted. I just warped to zero on the exit gate out of this universe.

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It’s revenue taken directly from PA’s investors call. You mean that PA lies to its investors? That they display stock value instead of actual revenue per IP? And nobody noticed until you?

The data are there, EVE Online IP wasn’t going nowhere until they re-launched at China and the pandemic struck. And now we’ll see how does it fare with Echoes and CCP’s funny habit of flipping the bird to highseccers so they eventually see the light and leave.

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So when you say ‘Eve online revenue is going down since 2018’

You meant PA stock value?

And when i asked for a source you link graphs on revenue because…?

You should stop lying. Here are my words:

The funny thing is that after seeing EVE Online revenue stagnate/go down since 2018, this year EVE Online looked on the way to eventually increase revenue for the first time since Pearl Abyss bought CCP… but now they just effed up with this ““random”” middlefinger to highseccers.

And CCP’s quarterly revenue for 2019 was up… up… down… down to below Q4 2018… going nowhere until China launched again and the pandemic struck, both events in 2020.

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Right…so…Let’s try this again…

Do you have a source for this:

Cause at the end of 2018 it was apparently 12.8…

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Be sure to really do it right and biomass.

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Maths is hard :man_shrugging:

The only way their statement is even partially true is if you take Eve’s revenue as a percentage of Pearl Abyss’ total revenue; even then it’s debatable because that percentage varies very little.