Bumping Is nothing more than a protection racket

is bumming a tenis raquette? i done kno abart that butt there wus wunce this thyme wen i was flaying in spase and eye bumed into a smaler spaseshop then wat eye was flaying an it went a luuuuung wey awey. thar neckst ting wat happened wus that he sed “oi billeh stappit eyem a minor”.
And eye thort wat the hex, they shud nort let minors flay spaseshops shuld they so i called moaner and she sed it were a martyr for the COD… and eye shuld thnink abart wat Jaymies sed. I thort abart hur werds for sometyme butt the publem wuz that i wuz still bumming the berge and the minor was seyin “pleese storp billeh or eye will call the POLIS” an just then sum kats shouwed up and safed me from the minor cos he wuz being reely rude an sayin things that eye dint unnerstand. then eye remememememburt wat Jajimies sed; “thar COD… alweys wims. ELWAYS!” and i felled beter wen the minor turned unto a EGG


Ye gods.

Billy is loose, hide your goats, your booze and your womenfolk; in that order.


We will simply adapt. The non-compliant will still burn. :fire:


WTS kindling, flammable liquids, flaming torches, antimatter and Catalysts.

lulz :smiley:

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