1v1 hauler vs bumper, you can still do stuff. You can get donations, call for mercs if the target has a war, call for someone to awox if FF is legal in their corp. You can make the hauler hate his space job. You can do a lot of things. Bumps by themselves don’t really do any damage to the freighter. The bumper’s words will though.
ok. If CCP puts the server cluster in VIP mode and only logs in with two accounts then the bumping mechanic may get boring. However, I think that that is an edge case, and if CCP employees would want to play bump the freighter they could do it on any of their test servers.
But that’s not my point. As I’ve said can one add other pilots into this to break the stalemate, but it is what it is.
I then had a look into your bio the other day and saw several links to killmails. Seems to me you would like to get onto killmails with your bumping. Yet you seem to hang on to the mechanic merely for sentimental reasons.
I’m not saying it should be changed to your disadvantage, but if people only keep bashing arguments left and right then there will never be any progress in the discussion and the game will only get older. Why not try to find a change which is objectively (and not just subjectively) better for all?
I dont care about being on the killmail
The mechanic is already in a great spot. You can count on two hands the amount of players who actually use bumping machariels.
Because nothing is broken or working in favour of one side or another, that’s why.
You’re still only trolling, mate. It doesn’t have to be broken for a change to make something better. Something can be good and yet still change to become better.
No, I’m not trolling. You don’t get to dismiss my points by calling them trolling. That’s that immaturity I’ve been calling you out for. Stop calling disagreement ‘trolling’. If you can’t argue against it, then you can only accept that it’s a point you should be considering.
And change for it’s own sake is not a good change. Change for something better? You’d have to convince people it was better, and then you’d have to be CCP to make it happen. So far, I haven’t seen you come up with an idea that’s better, either.
I just did. And it isn’t an opinion, but a fact. You still only want to deny others a discussion.
We’re done here.
We’re actually not done here. If you have facts, you’ll be able to prove them. Like this:
I’m not denying you anything. Have I deleted your posts? Flagged or otherwise tried to hide them? No, I’ve not done anything of the sort. Have you posted mundane meaningless nonsense at me? Yes, yes you have. Who’s trolling? So far, just you, and I’ll happily return the favour. But if you’re capable of growing up for just a second and seeing past your own carebear biases, you might actually learn some facts instead of attempting to dismiss them as ‘opinion’ as if anything you’ve posted is anything but opinion, and a misinformed one at that.
He talks the big talk, but isn’t man enough to admit in so much words that his understanding of the issue has been proven completely lacking. Much like in the thread on (suicide) ganking.
You don’t need me. You’re still only denying others their discussion on the topic. Let people discuss bumping. When you think there is nothing to discuss for you then find a topic that’s more suitable for your intelligence. And if you cannot find one then you can also just play the game.
Most gankers are -10, genius. They can be shot at any time. Go ahead and look at those killmails and tell me if anyone ISN’T -10.
Showing that someone doesn’t understand the issue at hand and offering help & explanations is now “denying others their discussion”? You could always ask CCP to create a “safe space” subforum dedicated to anti ganking discussions, but the Crime & Punishment forum isn’t that space.
The most activ thread on Reddit toady was “Live Updates UALX-3 Keepstar Anchoring” with nearly a thousand replies inlcluding posts from the pilots that lost Titans.
And the most replies here got this thread about bumping that no-one can read without losing brain cells.
And people honestly asked why CCP Devs are more responsive on reddit? Just make an educated guess…
Sorry to interrupt, but would one of you mind doing me a favor? I need someone to go to Home Depot and pick me up another 5 gallon bucket. The one that I have under my computer to catch the tears from this thread is almost full…
I have a better idea. I’ll get you a septic tank so it can catch all the that’s floating on top of it.
Give it to Whitehound and he won’t even have to leave his your room to catch it.
Like a mission runner, a miner, a freighter pilot, like you posting on the forums every fuckin’ day, way too often. Ya got zero points. Guys, whitehound’s just a troll who feeds off of ya, stop lettin’ him win.
Funny that you lin this video. It took his Merlin 15 seconds to get to the Freighter and apply webs. That’s terrible and would have given a Machariel enough time to get the freighter even without suicide tackle.
If I am generous, this video explains the basics but in a way that is not going to help the freighter and webber. Similar to the new tutorial telling you to use autopilot for traveling.
That’s because he’s multiboxing and splitting his focus between two different accounts.
Make some friends, and it’s even faster.