
Here’s the thing. As long as there are unescorted freighters, the gankers will always choose them over escorted ones. It’s what I dub the ‘idiot tank’. The idiots are more attractive targets, and people who do hauling right can rely on the gankers going after the idiots for their needs 100% of the time.

People getting ganked isn’t a problem with the game, it’s a personal problem that the players getting ganked have. That is all it is.

‘Technically’ lots of things are exploits. An exploit in and of itself is not a bad thing, but in pointing out things that CCP deem as not being the rule-breaking variety, I’m pointing out what CCP deem to be acceptable emergent gameplay, using game mechanics in ways that were never originally intended, but are creative enough and balanced enough to have their place within the acceptable rule set.

Rejoice, I found it. CCP Atropos post. It’s not exactly called an exploit, but rather a very cunning use of mechanics.


Of course, but that’s not we’re talking about. It’s the delusion that once bumped all one needed to bring would be a webber. Remiel here would make a tragic victim to your tactic, and he would try and fight you and needed some time (maybe 2 hours?) until he realizes it.

But just for the sake of an argument, there are ways how to work around webbers. Ganking the webber is one way - no webber, no webs. But just like the freighter pilot can the bumper, too, bring a second account into it. A bumper could use an alt and suicide on the freighter with a warp disruptor. It only needs to hold until the first bump is made. Then CONCORD can have their way. Seems just balanced to match the number of alts used in all these webbing scenarios, doesn’t it?

gank the mach, no mach no bumps


Wait, what? Once bumped? Are you daft? You do it to avoid getting bumped in the first place. Scout ahead with a frigate, watch for bumping ships at the next gate, and if there is one, web the freighter straight to a station to dock up and chill for a bit. Use a good escort with which to kill any suicide tackle ships that might show up as well.

If you’re doing it right, you never get bumped at all. Not once. There is no first bump. Not one. If you’re already getting bumped, you dun goofed.

This is EVE Online. Either you take the initiative, or someone else will take it from you.

True, but how many accounts would this need? We are still just talking about one bumper versus two other pilots. And ganking a Mach, who may have some tank fitted and happens to fly very fast won’t be ganked by a single pilot.

Is this some kind of a comeback to our previous argument? :rofl:

If you want to play account games, the freighter is never going to die if theres only 1 bumper with no gankers behind it.

But it is you who claims that bumping alone and for hours would create content. It isn’t me. So what now?

Whitehound, you’re being incredibly disingenuous and trolly right now. First, you tell me to calm down as if I’m not already, a completely pointless post with no bearing on the conversation, and now you’re asking if I’m making some kind of a comeback?

Comeback from what? To what? This isn’t a competition. The rest of my post that you left out of what you quoted was the only thing that mattered in what I just posted, and as is typical of the intellectual dishonest thick-wit, you left it out and subsequently completely failed to address it in any meaningful way. Grow up, child.


Nice find. Atfer a decade it should be filed under well established gameplay rather than emergent gameplay. Given that anti-gankers already have difficulties in understanding EVE it is best to use the CCP definition for the word “exploit”: unacceptable emergent gameplay that will get you banned.

I choose my wording very carefully. A bumper with no help can only hope that the freighter self destructs.

Edit: Bumping as an activity can definitely kill freighters though.

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No, it isn’t.

I think I don’t have do comment any further here…

So you agree that bumping (on its own) creates a stalemate.

You’re just replying with mundanity now. If you really feel the need to reply to absolutely everything I post, while failing to reply to, or with, anything of substance, I’m just going to stick with meming on you. It’s clear you’re incapable of mature conversation at this juncture.

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No. Add 1 more person and you got yourself a recipe for !!FUN!!

No, I don’t add any more pliots into this, because then we can add as many on each side and call it a battle.

@Remiel_Pollard Please troll someone else. Thank you.

See, there you go again, replying to me unnecessarily with nothing of value.