
No, it’s not the same. ^^

In gang webbing, you try to slow something down to hold it in place. You are not interested in making it warp away (unless you are a bad webber and apply the webs before someone applies points, in which case you helped your target to get away. Good job.)
In freighter webbing, you want to get the ship away before a bumper can reach it. Fundamentally different situation.

Yes, sure. Tell me, how long does it take your weaponless Rapier to lock a frigate? How much DPS does your Rapier have if it’s, let’s say, a Blackbird (a ship commonly used for suicide tackle)? You have no clue. :slight_smile:

No, it is exactly how it works.

You are right, that once a freighter has the correct alignment will it go into warp instantly. But a bump will throw a ship out of it’s alignment and bumper who knows what he is doing will know it, too.

Of course Siegfried here isn’t going to tell you how he can keep players from warping for hours.

Yes, it’s exactly the same. If you think it’s not, then you don’t do enough PVP. And I’m not doing ‘gang webs’, I’m doing it solo.

Also, if someone’s putting a Rapier or a Blackbird on the line for suicide tackle, they’re idiots, and you can counter with a webbing cruiser instead, maybe even a Falcon covered in jams. Problem solved.

To be honest, if you can’t think of these solutions yourself, which are very easy, you honestly are just incompetent and deserve to lose your freighters.

Are you antigankers so dumb you don’t even realize how easy it is to get out of that situation? :joy:

Jen would be laughing her arse off if she saw how idiotic the ag community has become

You don’t even comprehend what I am talking about any more. I suggest you take a deep breath before you continue. The Rapier is the freighter webber, not the suicide tackler. The Blackbird is the suicide tackler. Was I not clear enough in my writing? Those are 2 fundamentally different things.

If your PVP capabilities are as good as your ability to warp written text to your liking, I will tip my hat for you. Else, you are just spouting incoherent nonsense.

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Don’t conflate my disagreement with incomprehension. I know exactly what you’re saying. You’re just wrong.

Even if I misunderstood which cruiser was doing which job, you’re still wrong. I can still, in the space of a few seconds, think of any number of ways to counter a Blackbird suicide tackle, not the least of which is providing the freighter with the support it’s meant to have by design. If the only support you’re providing it is a single ship, then you’re leaving potential attackers with a lot of options. Two frigates and a cruiser as escort through high sec, and you’ve got yourself a pretty good escort.

We’re not discussing opinions here. We’re talking about facts.

Let me know when you have some then.


Calm down.

If you were competent in the matter, how could you possibly mistake a mentioned Rapier as suicide tackle? :thinking:

Yes, by initial design, freighters were supposed to have escorts. And we all know how well initial designs hold up to reality. Realities are, for instance, that escorting a freighter is utterly boring and utterly frustrating because the escort has to watch the freighter burn anyway because gankers are aware of them and bring sufficient numbers to counter their efforts. In reality, it makes very little difference if the freighter has escorts or not.

For instance, your Falcon scenario: I manage to jam the Blackbird and the point drops, by that time, however, the Machariel has already covered a large portion of the way to the freighter. I also have to tab back to the freighter and start warp again, which gives the Machariel another tick or two to get even closer. I also started to drift into the wrong direction because my freighter slowed down and changed directions slightly, which means I can’t apply webs immediately again because of alignment mechanics. Your Falcon scenario is not going to help the freighter.

You know what happens when a hauler brings a webber.
He warps away. I can’t bump what I can’t catch.


Nothing you just posted refutes the fact that freighters are not capable of defending themselves alone, or that they are not designed to be used alone. How people choose to use them is their own choice, and by definition, they have made that choice by their own agency, and not by any fault of the game.

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That is something I did not talk about or want to in this particular instance. All I am after is demonstrating that you have no clue about freighter webbing. I am not here for anything else. :slight_smile:

It doesn’t matter. Everything you have talked about is countered by a proper escort. It’s that simple. Whether it’s boring or not is irrelevant. Surely people who sit in mining barges all day and push F1 to get rocks while watching netflix would be used to boring.

I’ve actually done freighter webbing and know how effective it is first hand. Let me know when you’ve done it and understand that it works better than you think it does, since it’s clear you never have, or at least, have never done it properly.

:blush: I have done freighter webbing for years every day. I am well versed in this business. I am also not refuting that it’s very effective in countering bumping. What I am doing is putting it in the proper perspective as it is very easily countered with less effort than the webber and freighter has to put into the business.

To be honest, nothing either of you are saying matters one bit, because of this:

Specifically the part down the bottom where it says,

“This passage contains common tactics and other player conduct that is often mistakenly reported as exploits but are in fact not.”

Within that category is bumping.


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Yeah, I always wondered why we seldom read/hear about convoys and armed escorts in EVE. Apart from webbers and the occasional super move operation the only one I have heard of was the HK Keepstar transport.

Maybe that’s because those that move stuff as a group seldom lose ships and we only hear of those that die solo?

I didn’t bring exploits into this discussion. Where do you get that from?

Besides, technically freighter webbing is an exploit in itself because webbing was not supposed to do this with freighters or any ship for that matter. CCP’s own words. :smile:

If you don’t have a source for that I call you a troll.