If you don’t understand the interplay between hauler, webber and bumper then it is obvious you have no idea how this plays out for people who actually log on to the game and do it. For 500 PLEX I can show you, but if you can get the same deal from Cohenberg he would be able to teach you a lot more.
Webbing reduces alignment time by proxy of reducing the speed of the webbed ship, and by the same factor. It’s a guaranteed counter to bumping for a ship as slow as a freighter, or any hauler really.
I’ve had something like 30+ freighters donated to me because of bumping. Mechanic is sweet. Bumping is forever. Text based pvp is where the fun is at.
I do understand them, thank you.
When you claim that ‘webbing does nothing’, it’s actually a direct demonstration that you don’t understand, which is why I explained the mechanics of it for you. Further ignorance of that explanation would be a demonstration of wilful ignorance. Don’t be that guy, dude.
It’s one thing to not understand. It just means you have something to learn. Refusal to understand is something else entirely.
No. Again, bumping brings your ship out of alignment and you only have so many destinations you can warp to. If the bumper fails, then because he bumped you into the direction of your warp. If he does it right then your ship will have plenty of speed, more than it needs to warp, but it will be moving into any direction but very likely not in which you need to go to warp.
You can’t bump something that gets into warp faster than you can turn around. Your argument is invalidated by not just the mechanics, but by the experience of players trying to explain this to you. If you web a freighter into warp, it can actually start it’s warp ‘sideways’ and finish its alignment animation whilst in warp. Try it for yourself, then come back and say, “Yup, you’re right about that. My bad. I’ve learned something new today, thanks guys!” That would be the intellectually honest thing to do.
TL;DR with enough webbing power, you can make a freighter align as fast as a pod.
Man you’re dense. Are you like baiting us or something. Ya got me good if you are.
Look, I use webbers, too, but I’m not delusional towards their ability. When you already have some speed due to a bump then it takes forever to get into a new alignment.
You can make a simple test. Undock with a freighter from a station and then try to warp to a destination behind the station. No amount of webbing will reverse the direction your going into, trust me.
So when a bumper knows in which direction he can bump you then there is no way a webber can save you. If that’s two or three webs doesn’t matter. You need to have an alignment and cannot be just travelling into a random direction to go instantly into warp.
No, it does not. It goes to show that you don’t understand mechanics. Webbing is not as instant as you make out look like as I have demonstrated in other topics on the matter repeatedly. Webbing takes anything from 4-6 seconds (ticks to be precise) to land.
Furthermore, a suicide tackle, on the other hand only needs 2-3. A lone suicide griffin is enough to give a bumper more than enough time to hit the freighter.
You’re talking to people that do this all the time. At least once a week if not every single day. The moment a freighter comes through a gate, you select the next one, click ‘warp’, and have a buddy in an Atron with a limited engagement web you. Get enough buddies, and you can align faster than a pod, even to a location that’s ‘behind’ your ship and requires a full 180. The mechanics don’t work that way, mate.
I don’t need to ‘trust you’ because I do this ■■■■ all the time hauling stuff into lowsec for myself. You don’t think gankers and PVP’ers have things to haul and know their own tactics? I never called you delusional, but you’re ill-informed on this topic, and just plain wrong.
This works, because the moment you click warp and go from 0 to some speed do you also have set a movement vector - your alignment.
All it needs is one bump and that vector is gone. Once that’s gone do you need to set a new alignment.
Only when you have a vector, which is pointed directly at your destination can you also warp faster with webbing.
Do you understand this?
I pvp with webs all the time. 4-6 ticks? No, sorry, incorrect. The moment you hit the button, the ship is webbed on the very next tick.
And he just keeps going. They never understand and that is why they constantly clamor for removing or altering game mechanics.
I understand what you’re saying, and how you think it works. The thing is, I’m telling you that a webbed freighter will be faster into warp than someone trying to bump it if it’s done right. And it’s not that hard to do it right.
Additionally, a webbed freighter is going to be much less affected by a bump, due to being webbed. Don’t believe me? Try that too. Seriously, we can argue back and forth forever about this, but until you’ve done it for yourself and actually demonstrate an understanding of the mechanics, I’m pretty sure this ‘argument’ will go nowhere.
And that shows that you don’t understand how the mechanics work. Let me explain:
1st tick: Freighter starts warp
2nd tick: Altt-tab or mouse over to the webber.
3rd tick: The webber starts locking (this can take anything from 1-4 seconds depending on lag. I have had instances where my webber keeps locking the freighter for several seconds until it finally goes through to the server.)
4th tick (ideal scenario): webbing starts and your freighter is away
A suicide tackler on the other hand:
1st tick: freighter starts warp
2nd tick: the tackler locks the freighter (lag can also happen here)
3rd tick: point applies.
That’s how webbing works. You missed out on all the steps leading to the web application, but they are important and webbing does not just consist of the webber module activation.
Once again, I PVP with webs all the time. I know how they work. You don’t need to explain anything to me, my KB speaks for itself. It’s very easy to web a freighter into warp much quicker than someone can line up a gank or a bump on it. Your refusal to understand this does not demonstrate a problem with the game, or with bumping.
PVPing with webs is not the same as webbing a freighter into warp. The experience from fleet or gang webbing is irrelevant to freighter webbing.
As long as there is no suicide tackler available, this is generally correct.
It’s exactly the same, actually, because it’s how you garner an understanding of their functionality and mechanics.
The ship you use to do the webbing is probably more than capable of killing any suicide tackler, as well, so don’t give me this ‘suicide tackle’ rubbish. The thing will be paper thin and with no guns if it’s a suicide tackle. Just blap it with an Atron and web your freighter through with the same ship.
Lmao that’s glorious