And that’s why you should stay in school kids… You completely missed the point of my math lesson.
You’re saying that a Frigate striking a ship will only hurt itself, unless it could be going as fast as a bullet.
Whereas I’m saying a bullet striking a ship will eventually kill it. And a ship going as fast as a bullet would annihilate it.
If a 0.01 kg bullet is going 50,000 m/s, it does 500 “Force” of damage. So keep that in mind. 500 “Force” means you’re hurting the target.
And if you could get a much larger 0.1 kg bullet going the same 50,000 m/s, it will do 5,000 “Force” of damage. So remember that 5,000 “Force” means you’re hurting the target a hell of a lot.
Well, in order to get a 1.148 mil kg Corvette to deal 5,000 “Force”, it only needs to be moving 0.004 m/s. Speeds that slow won’t even register on your speedometer in the game. You’re basically standing still next to the other ship, and your collision will do as much damage as a BS railgun round.
If you could possibly get the ship up to the aforementioned 50,000 m/s, the same speed as the railgun rounds are going… it will do 57.4 BILLION “Force” of damage. That’s like shooting them with 11 Million BS railgun rounds at once.
Do you see where this is all going?
If you really want to get into collision physics and math, do try to keep up. Because the numbers are going to get real fucking big, real fucking fast. And if you can’t keep up now, then shut up because you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. =)