
The same thing that happened to Atmospheric Flight 12 years ago…

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what does “force” equal in your equation ? you did promise a math lesson …

sophomoric twit …

Topic Moved to Crime And Punishment.

But it’s not a crime. And there is no punishment…


A dystopian, war-torn future universe where no-one is safe and you are vulnerable to the actions of the other entities (players in this case) everywhere and at every time.

Not really. Most players like their CONCORD protection. If you put in a loophole where they can lose it by accident or by being tricked, they are not going to be very happy.

CCP spent a lot of effort re-engineering CrimeWatch to include safety settings so that you can’t lose the protection of CONCORD. Adding a big, gaping loophole like that is probably not in the cards.

Besides, CONCORD isn’t there to keep you safe or the other players away from you. They are they to impose a cost on aggression. Arguably bumping is a form of aggression, or at least impacts on your experience, but it is also useless against almost every ship in the game, and the ones it does work reliably against are big and lumbering on purpose and probably should be vulnerable to bump-tackling.

But this has all been said before even if it has been a while since a bumping thread appeared. Since it hasn’t been linked, here is an official response on bumping from the old forums:


I totally agree that we should implement bump damage or suspect or criminal status even if the safety is to green. I don’t see any way this can go wrong.

All those people who give reasons why this would be bad just hate change and should adapt. CCP, plz implement.


You don’t. You let the ships explode by some crude mechanic and let the players blame each other for the fault. That’s how EVE works.

You just think like a whiney little pubby who cant fly 40b freighters afk autopiloting through HS.
You dont think on every case what will happen if CCP implement such stupid mechanic.
A big capital blob will kill itself at the point they are jump to a cyno. A large fleet could not anchor anymore cause the ships will explode by bumping.

So pls stop whining and lern to haul your stuff correctly …


Did you steal this idea from The Expanse?!?

I’ll give you a Like just for that :slight_smile:

If you don’t like EVE, go play with the real universe :earth_africa:

If you don’t like EVE, go play Elite Dangerous.



I’m mainly here to point out that force is NOT the product of mass and velocity, but rather the rate of change of momentum. For a fixed mass that means F = ma (and relativistic corrections can sod off, as a good sunbounce can put you over c m/s).

However, bumping in Eve needs to stay as a form of long term tackle otherwise it would be all but impossible to kill freighters in highsec. Otherwise massive gameplay changes are required.

Finally, I agree some sort of ‘use it or lose it’ mechanic should apply for bumpers, and someone should have an option that allows them to log off or force warp after, say, 10 minutes.


It already accurately reflects the size of the vessel with more armor and shields. Adding a physics collision model won’t suddenly make a JF’s armor and shields more powerful.

More importantly, if the explosive force of a missile, or the penetrative force of railguns and autocannons can not only remove shields, but also start to penetrate shields below 25% (if the vic doesn’t have high enough skills), why would you think that a shielded, armored projectile thousands of times the size of a missile/bullet/round would be ineffective?

Seriously…if people will suicide gank you, why wouldn’t they mass suicide a freighter if a collision model was in place?


Do you have any idea how stupid this sounds?

“It’s simple.”

No, it isn’t. This would make any player that isn’t in null or a war target to someone go suspect in any system simply for approaching someone and bumping into them. And, as stated, most GOOD bumpers don’t right click and approach, they manually pilot their ships. Bumping isn’t just a highsec strategy. It is used in lowsec to bump JFs off of Citadels/Stations, it is used in nullsec to bump caps/supers, etc.

The issue is that you are tunnel-visioned as to what is right and wrong. Yes, it is cliche, but EVE is a SANDBOX. What is Right and Wrong is determined by the INDIVIDUAL.

If you have any other ‘simple’ fixes, please do tell.

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I use bumping as an area denial tactic. So even if they log out or warp off, my end goal is achieved…

This could be fun at Jita :slight_smile:

lol at all these suggestions for complicated game mechanics to combat bumping that will only be abused once it’s figured out. The easiest and best way to fix it…Disable ship to ship collisions. Done. Wanna tackle someone? Fit webs and scams.

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All those freighters dying on the JITA undock… will be glorious. Not to mention all the killrights generated on freighter pilots.

Yes… I support this change. DO IT.


Ridiculous ■■■■ like this is why we need to be able to bump miners and bot fleets…


Yep, bump the Orca, it’s probably the anchor.

You get bonus points if you set up a couple of cans 100km away as a goal and get him through it.

Smarties would do the trick too.


Oh look
Another one of these threads…

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