Burning eyes. Bloody stars

This was just a personal attack. I feel attacked.

Also is that a lifelike leather effigy of Mel Gibson?

Somebody said ā€œbannable offenseā€ and I had to participate.

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he is a good actor and movie director
mad max rocks

That guyā€™s a real hunk !

Stop flying so close to it

You can buy sunglasses in the New Eden store, so when your character has them on, why donā€™t they work? Donā€™t even tell me its because it makes you look cool, and donā€™t actually work. If I buy frigginā€™ shades they better work. What kind of scam technology is this? I want a refundā€¦


I mean the actual lore answer to this is that your character isnā€™t using his eyes to see. The camera drone feed is direct to his or her visual cortex.

You need shades for your camera drone.

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Or more adaptive, fast reacting optics.

Shades are cooler, though :sunglasses:

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