In Space, yes. On Planet, no.
But if I recall correctly, during state of emergency or wartime State Armed Forces have superior authority over corporative PMC and this not changed even after the fall of Caldari Providence Directorate.
And please, remind, who maked a decision of placing city of Myrskaa in complete lockdown during Kyonoke outbreak? Zainou? Kaalakiota? Or SAF?
During a proper state of emergency, the provision holds. Under this, it does not Sato-Haani. SAF has much sway still, but do not hold the authority to make arrests or investigation on Megacorp property without actionable evidence of need.
It is also worth noting that, the Oijanen instance was quitee unprecedented, in SAF’s intervention
And this is question for CEP and CONCORD. Overall status of planetary population in the zone of CEMWPA and their relations with occupying states seems underregulated. Situation in the system of Floseswin is direct product of this, but it is another story.
Exactly, Ms. Sato.
The explanation is quite straightforward. Commander Kim had no defense then. She has no defense now. Only personal attacks. As can be seen from the discussion of the After Action Report of Kim’s treasonous attack on other State Protectorate pilots, it doesn’t matter whether she is responding to accusations from a Federation or State source. Her only response is deflection.
Kim is a terrorist, a war criminal, and a traitor loyal only to her delusions. She is a rot within the heart of State Protectorate aligned capsuleer forces, just as the Provists were a rot within the Caldari State. Many honorable capsuleers fly under that banner. Kim is not one of them.
…This report, I was not previously aware of, and is unfortunately quite damning to Kim-Haani’s honor. I will be making an attempt to verify it further but what I have currently pulled up seems, unfortunately, quite legitemate.
It’s how that little rat has acted for years.
General Vero, I have something to say on that matter.
Can you show Commander Kim’s exact phrase, in which she proclaims such affilation? Or examples of actual terrorist actions, especialy performed on behalf of Templis Dragonaurs?
And again I gently ask to show details of their connections with Dragonaurs.
Naming yourself a member of some organisation, trying to be like their members and to actually be a member of said organisation is quite different things.
Rot… Rot, that revived ideals of meritocracy, that forced Megas to give citizens all needed for productive live, that propelled State’s economy? Intresting rot.
Yes, they (or would be more correct to say “we”) did controversial things, and with time their deeds has become more and more questionable…
But for me that your phrase seems like ignorance or hidden wish to see the State ruined.
Overall, I ask you to put no more blame on others, than they deserve, and to be more careful with your propaganda.
In the same time I sincerly thank you for providing report. As Mr. Agonarch, I was not previously aware about it. It’s… Enlightening.
Perhaps you are unaware that before CONCORD intervened the Alliance now known as “Templis CALSF” was literally named “Templis Dragonours.” One doesn’t have to dig too deeply here. The terrorist affiliation is open and notorious.
…General Vero speaks truth, I believe there was also a recent public thread on anotheer GalNet forum wherein CALSF restated the Dragonour allegiance.
I shall search for it, to verify my own statement, Sato-Haani.
Thank you in advance, Agonarch-haan.
Here it is, , Sato-Haani. It is sadly, and irrevocably true.
This statement was in response to CONCORD condemning Dragonaur activity supporting the Vimoksha Chorus splintergroup of Sansha’s Nation, and calling for active interdiction of such operations… The Strike Commander also tried to put a bounty on capsuleers partaking in this, though it may have been focused on FDU based capsuleers, I do not fully remember.
Either way, as a former Navyman, I find such absolutely abhorrent.
Tsk, what a shame on Organisation. Still hard to belive, that they is Dragonaurs.
The thing is they aren’t. But they are loyal to them and should be treated as dangerous and foul as them.
Oh, it’s much better to hear that. When I look into their combat record… I hardly can call most of them Dragonaurs.
Perhaps so, but such allegiance is dangerous deviation, and against Megacorporate and CEP edict.
I believe that’s enough derailing from the topic at hand. Regardless of the evidence of the Strike Commander’s deviance and hypocrisy, that is not the purpose of this thread, though it tangentially connects to some happenings.
On topic, During the handover period back to the appropriate corporate security services, attempts were made by what appear to be multiple cells groundside to attack both Megacorp and UNF security assets. Casualties in UNF, and various Megacorporate security branches were minimal, with no fatalities, though several buildings were heavily damaged, and many Caldari civilians were injured by this reckless assault during the change over back to proper authorities. It is, unfortunately believed these Cells were of Dragonaur origin. Those captured, or remains recovered, were handed off to corporate security, along with any equipment retrieved.
I’ve flown for years against CALSF pilots that I respect. I suspect many of them were simply caught up in the patriotic fervor of the Heth regime, and their genuine love for the Caldari people was twisted to suit the Dragonaur / Provist agenda. However, what redeeming qualities they once have must be buried deeply indeed by now, to remain so blind this many years after the fall of Heth and the restoration of corporate governance in the State.
That’s the thing about terrorist cults. They twist even what was once good and honorable until it is unrecognizable. As I said earlier, there are reasons that the Templis Dragonaurs have been considered renegades and enemies of the State for over a century.
This is true. Real terrorists understand subtlety and deception, and have a talent for getting close to meaningful targets that will have real impact on morale and long-term strategic capability, rather than just attacking whatever targets of opportunity present themselves in an agreed-upon arena.